what do you think of people blaming violence on video games?


New Member
Jan 18, 2006
what do you guys think of the people blaiming video games for someone running over people and killing people because its instinct form all the video games they play?
i think that it is pretty much ridiculous. If they want to blame video games then they also need to go after the news media showing real life shooting and battles on the News. I was watching one night as they showed a body on fire running out of a burning building. I would be more upset if my child were to see that then if they were playing a video game that showed the same thing. Adults can tell the difference between real life and play, so can most kids. it is the parents job to make sure that your child/teen grows up with a good grasp of reality. now, if i felt that my child could not yet tell the difference i would be happy to hold off on introducing thopse types of games to them.

If you are in the business of finger pointing, whatever. just make sure that you are pointing the fingers at everyone that has contributed and not just video games. We have ALL done a pretty good job of desensitizing the last couple of generations.
its stupid and pointless how there trying to get ride of all the bad viloence in entertainment today... that would mean they would have to get ride of music, movies, and t.v even books,becasue there all contributing violence. and the news is just showing as much violence as a video game.

and the people who blame video games for they say the video games made them kill someone is stupid, because there obviouse that there crazy!
The news is pretty much, in my view, the biggest baddie of them all. They show REAL people and real blood and real shooting. They show dead bodies and carnage. I understand that in order to get a feel of what is really going on in the world that some of these images are neccessary. I do, however, feel that it is NOT OKAY to show it during the hours that kids are watching TV and flipping through the channels. Don't stop making the movies and video games and showing the news.... just give me the ability to choose whether or not i want to see it. And that stupid warning where the news casters are like "parents... the following images are graphic and may be innapropriate for children" ... do absolutely no good if you are showing it around 4pm when the kids are wathcing the TV and the parents are not right there with them. Spare me. They know that it just peaks their interest and makes the kids want to watch it even more.

LEAVE THE VIDEO GAMES ALONE! I am totally anti-war.. but man do I love a good round of Counterstrike.
When something bad happens, the first human reaction is shock/sympathy for the victims, and the next reaction is to find someone/something to blame. People who blame video games for mass violence would do better to concentrate on raising their kids rather than wasting time trying to find someone else to blame for their kids' screw ups.
Everytime I hear someone blame video games for violence I get so mad I just want to eat mushrooms and jump on their heads till a giant gold coin pops out of their ass.
I blame the media. It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on TV. But where are those good ol' fashioned values on which we used to rely?
Recently near my place two kids hit and killed a taxi driver while trying to allegedly recreate a scene from Need for Speed 2. Now the media is in a huzzah because they want to blame the video game (I am a future member of said media and frankly it annoys me that they do this).

Part of the issue, however, isn't the fact that video games are to blame. It's the people. The people that blame them that can't differentiate reality from pixels, and people that use it as a babysitting tool.

Quite frankly I do believe that video games are very violent in some instances, but those games are being created for the largest gaming market (25-30-somethings), and parents that don't understand that simulated violence in a video game CAN affect a child's ability to differentiate between real and pretend and just buy 6-year-old Timmy the latest Halo and let him play it without any sort of understanding of what is happening in the game are a bunch of idiots.

Oh, and since I was a history major I would also like to point out that we are a much more prudish and protected society than we once were 300 years ago. You know, the time when the bubonic plague would rage throughout cities and corpses would be piled outside? or how about when beheadings were their form of entertainment and the masses would come out to enjoy a good ol' guillotining? or 60-years-ago when cannibalism in urban centres during the second world war was a common place thing (well that's mostly in Russia, especially in Leningrad-Stalingrad-whatever-the-hell-it's-called now), ad nauseum!

Today lethal injections are normally kept private where only the family of the victims can come and try to see if they can get some sort of closure. Plagues aren't exactly raging and killing a quarter of the population faster than we can bury them, and so far we've been shown very tame photographs of wars happening around the world.

So yeah...take from that what you will. I'm actually kinda tired now, that was really sort of cathartic.
I read over all the replies and all are valid points. What about the politicians who are at the fore front of this who like to pin Columbine or other related issues on games. I havent heard of any of these guys sitting down to a nice game of Mario or Zelda or even bitching about those types but when its a game that depicts real life issues things that are shown everyday on the News, I mean when was the last time you saw good news on the News or even a session without some sort of violent behavior. It all boils down to this we were violent before games(Read the bible once through theres more violence and death in there than any book or game on the market), the only difference now is people have a finger to point and they found vidoe games to be the scapegoat.
All good points.
As far as good news on the news, there is always that feel good story they put between the headlines and the weather. You know the ones.

And I do see the validity of blaming video games for youth violence. To an extent. Psychologically, young people are more apt to gain a certain numbness to violence if exposed to it in early stages of development. Maturity does have a large factor in this but overall, real or not, violence and other adult themes should not be exposed to children.

That's why the ESRB was created, although today's parents are so scared of being strict and opt instead to be nice to their kids and buy whatever they want for them to keep the brats from screaming in the middle of the aisle at Wal-Mart.

When parents buy San Andreas for their 8 year olds, it's only setting them up for possible violent outbursts at later ages. The reality of it all is that parents should be more conscious of what they are buying their kids.

Rant over: Thank you for reading, or not.
I haven't read the topic in full yet, but it's just like when a parent buys a kid a paintball gun.......They thought they would have fun with it, but the minute that kid hurts themselves or those around them, the parents would want paintball guns banned......You just wanna say to the parents, "Hey Moron, who bought it for them in the first place".
America (and western culture in general) has this problem with blame. I read an article recently that said the hardest thing to say in America is "I was wrong". We don't want to take blame for anything. We sue, we divert, we justify anything we can in order to not take the blame. Hey, if I shoot someone, it's because I DID IT! Not Halo. "The Master Chief told me to!"

Asylum, you are dead on. Parents are responsible for what their kids are exposed to (at least inside the home). They didn't play the game at school, church, or the mall!!!