South Park Vs Family Guy

It was so stupid it was brilliant, although the kyle and cartman fight on the second episode seemed to drag, it was obviously a play off the peter vs giant chicken, but done really bad
It thought it was great....and like posted in the other topic, it had a bunch of dark humor attached with it....As for the fight scene, it needs to be nominated for an Oscar
South Park, Futurama, and Family Guy are all awesome shows. Of course Family Guy is the best. Who's with me? Stewie FTW.
I think most members recognize that Family Guy owns in this site, and on the application where it says "sex" we write down, "No thank you, I'm dead"
I prefer South Park over Family Guy. BOth are brilliant, but I just like how South Park has messages and a point over, the random brilliance of Family Guy and the stupidity of Peter.
I like Family Guy better. I haven't seen very many episodes of South Park, but from what I saw I didn't like it that much. Oh, and Stewie is the best...hands down.
Family Guy all the way. South Park wass good up unti the movie after that it just got weird. tru I like the topics they use (very clever ). But Family Guy to me takes more stabs at Pop Culture. Not to mention Fox was forced to bring it back.
Family Guy, I loved south park, still do, but Family Guy is just so much better.
Ok, the Cartoon Wars South Park episodes were absolutely brilliant. However, I don't think the situation is Family Guy vs South Park. I think South Park just used Family Guy as a vehicle for their message. Sure, they took a few jabs at them, but I thought they were good points. The manitees and the idea balls was a brilliant way of explaining Family Guy's randomness. Often times, when my friends and I quote Family Guy, we can't remember what episode the random line comes from. This further shows the truth of South Park's idea. Does this make Family Guy less funny? Absolutely not. When Family Guy is on with the flashbacks, it is absolutely hilarious. Plus, South Park even took some shots at themselves, talking about how they got "stuck up its own ass with messages."

I just think it was interesting that Comedy Central really did choose to censor that last image of Muhammed. While South Park Studios chose the method of presenting the censorship, it was Comedy Central's choice.

And this week's South Park was hilarious as well. Who thought Oprah's anatomy could be so funny?
I just want to know how Oprah's minge and ass died, I mean they got shoot but Oprah wasn't dead so what is Oprah going to do with a dead minge and ass?
Well, this past week's South Park was ok. The Al Gore voice was funny, but I didn't really think the story was that good. Eric filled up with treasure and barely speaking was pretty hilarious.