Quirky Games Thread


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
Hello fellow gamers,

Just thought of making a thread for quirky and radical games out there that people might be interested in.

To get a rough idea, some of the games I'm keen on recommending are 'Limbo' and 'Don't Starve'.

Limbo, as some of you may know is a puzzle-platform based game set in the post-apocalyptic world. The atmosphere is eerie and black-and-white, coupled with an equally grim background score.

'Don't Starve', an action adventure game, somewhat falls under the same league. Being a survival game, all you have to do is let your character survive in a jungle. An interesting gameplay is what makes this game worthwhile.

I'm hoping to see some whacky games debuting in this thread here.
Let the reccos flow!
I'd recommend Touhou over anything else. Ridiculously hard danmaku (bullet hell) games with a great cast of characters. I'm absolutely obsessed with the series, spending every single cent I get on Touhou merchandise.
Super Meat Boy was a fun and pretty difficult little platformer that I bought last year. Plus you play this... meat.. blob.. guy. Which is fun in itself.

Cthulhu Saves the World was a super fun RPG game that took the 'old school' approach with the graphics and battling system. In this one you play as Cthulhu, who's only way of destroying the world is to save it first to end the curse a sorcerer put on him. It's got a good sense of humor.

The Stanley Parable was quirky and entertaining. The actual stand-alone version has more of a variety to it compared to the Half-Life mod. I got a few really awesome laughs out of the dry humor and just strange atmosphere this game brings to the table.
I think everyone should download and try one of the original Zorks. At the time, they were mostly all you had, text adventure games so they felt almost normal ( there were a ton of clones at the time). But if you tried to play one now, it would seem all funky.
One of my most favorite quirky games was a game on the old PSP called Chili Con Carnage. I don't remember too much of it anymore but I think in the game you had to shoot at many hilarious types of enemies including bulls and guys in chicken suits. It really is very underrated in my opinion and very much worthy of sequels and reboots and ports.