Quake 4, Doom III, and warcraft III hook ups


New Member
Dec 26, 2005
Looking to do some 1 on 1 practice.
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Looking for competitive people only :checkmark
I'm a competitive person - but I don't own any of those games. I guess that's not a lot of help. I'm very good at Tetris, though.

Anyone for Tetris?
I recently got Quake 4 for my PC...after I get my computer re-established at my mom's house after New Years, and possibly get a new video card, I think I'd be able to take you up on it.
I'd love to play, but I have too many games on my review plate anymore to play much multiplayer, so my skillz are terribly rusty, sorry. Wish I could... I used to be pretty good (wistful sigh).

Indeed it is free.. Im up for playing anygame, heck I'd even go out and buy one. SO name your best pison.... :shark:
i could kick your ass at half-life 2 deathmatch despite being on dialup. i don't do FPS anymore cause they are boring. if you absolutely insist, i can install it but i'm warning you, there will be crying and i can't hand you a tissue across the internet.