Ps3 Vs. Wii

Except... PS3 is like the blonde, but offensively simple minded and expensive... really only good for eye candy. Wii is like a moderately attractive girl who's smart as a whip and has it where it counts, and if you start to check out the PS3 out of the corner of your eye she'll do or say something that suprises you in a sort of "since when did you...?" way.

I guess.

I may be biased toward a girl who's "got it where it really counts" over ones with as neither brain cells nor fat cells.
This is about who you would want to be locked in a room for 8 hours with. And let's face it, smart girls aren't going to put out after just 8 hours. So what're you gonna do? Rape her?

YOU ARE GOING TO RAPE SOMEBODY?!!??!! You're a horrible person!
Oh God, I AM a horrible person!

Or a smooth talker.

Would you like to see my drawings?

I guess it's my fault for taking the metaphor too far. The PS3 is built like a house, after all, and only scores in the "numbers" department, while Wii looks good and plays nice. Pardon me: I'm a master chameleon, with stripes to match any flag. I just like to strike closer to reality before proving I understand the natives.