Prey - so what'd ya think?


Staff Writer
Sep 10, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I just finished Prey for the PC. Pretty freakin sweet.

The cinema level production was a treat to play. From the first abduction scene I could really feel the theatricality kick into high gear. I've never played a game where I felt like I could be in a movie, not just playing a game trying to be a movie.

Prey was a hell of a lot of fun. Each step of the way pushed forward the story and truly stayed exciting. Prey was a true treat.

That is not to say it set a new bar for gaming, or even FPS's. It was great for what it was, but even within FPS's there are diffent genres that require different styles. The level of theatricality in Prey would not work well in, say, the fast paced world of Unreal Tournament.

Prey kicked butt. It was revolutionary in some senses, and just damn good in others. It is not the messiah of FPS's I've been hearing and reading about, but if you haven't played it - Go Get A Copy!

If you have played it tell me what you think!
i have it for the 360, which im sure is the same, but yea its good, guns are good, graphics good, gameplay good, leval desgin good, kinda choppy at big fire fights, but when i watched grandfather get impaled and then his body got grounded up..... and then i watched that kid get impaled through a big screw in the wall................. im a gore loving guy, but WHY GRANDFATHER???
I miss Grandpa too... 'tear''sniff''sniff'. But watching that kid get impailed totally threw me for a loop. Seeing the unexpected is always great in a video game.