Online Brain Games?


New Member
Dec 3, 2014
I'm one of those geeky people who enjoys brain games, especially ones that involve words like Scrabble and Words With Friends. Other than Scrabble-type games, what are some good online games that stimulate the brain? Are there any that increase spatial reasoning or memory?
Well, I'm not sure if this will help spatial reasoning or memory, but you would most certainly be helping the advancement of science. There is a game called Foldit. You solve a bunch of puzzles, and scientists over at UWashington use your results to figure out protein folding problems. The players have actually helped solve real world problems. Think of it as crowdfunding, but more fun and more scientific.
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Oh, this is a really good question. I would also like to know about such games. I really like the word games as well.

Very cool, Nate. Thanks for the info. That sounds pretty amazing.
Awesome thread and a great question- I'm really into games like that myself but I don't have a big arsenal of them that I know of :(. I did enjoy lumosity's games and such but I don't have the extra money for that the moment.