New Sims 2 expansion!

Is there any more "game" in Sims 2 than the original? I was sort of bored with the first one rather quickly- I guess I just don't have the fascination for watching tiny, stupid humanoid applets crap on the floor. ;)
Yeah, sort of; they grow up, grow old, and die, and there's a lot more to do as far as interactions and goals. The core gameplay -- managing people -- is the same though, so if that's what you didn't like about the first Sims, you probably won't like Sims 2.

I'd write a review for the site but it would look kind of lame to have a Sims 2 review like a year after release.
I wonder how many of the millions of "main stream" people that the only game they own is the Sims are closet Sim-torturers. I can just see these legions of overweight, white-bread middle-managers and soccer moms, sitting around their PCs late at night, guiltily looking over their shoulders as they wall their crying Sims into tiny rooms with no bathrooms and build swimming pools with no ladders or stairs...

It's like a teensy, tiny little virtual ethnic cleansing...
I gotta say, I'm a sims fanatic (though sims online was freaking HORRIBLE and I gave that up very quickly). I love the new things the expansions add, even though it's not a new game, they always add some new dimension to the gameplay.

As far as getting bored w/sims - i think you're really only limited by your own imagination. I'm always trying to dream up new and interesting situations to create and see how my sims turn out. Also, following the same family through generations is really cool. The only thing I get bored with is lack of decor options, and a quick trip to a site like can alleviate that, no problem!
Sooooo... is anyone officially signing up to review this puppy? If not, I have a writer friend of mine that does not usually do reviews, but she's an avid Sims fan, so... Please drop me an email at if you're a staffer (for any platform) and want to reserve the review of this title. Thanks!