Matrix Online

I played the beta. During then there was not much to do. The missions were not that good. And they did nothing, until the last day of beta. The matrix had a virus Morpheus seemingly got killed. And agents were fighting everyone and some of the most powerful players in the game ( the actual people not NPCs) started siding with the Machines and were fighting other players. I have not played it since beta so I do not know if something else is going on there but it really was not that fun unless something was going on. I hope they will continue to evolve the story at a month by month pace to keep players interested. I thought the combat was fun though.
You know..I gotta say something. Not expecting much from this game, having seen it at last year's E3, ....I actually kinda enjoy it. Maybe that's the key anyway....hype it less, enjoy it more?
Anyway, the combat's fun, though a little more control really would have went a long way, and it's a bit repetitive. But the graphics are pretty lush, the clothing options are vast, and the story is pretty decent too. It's also a little more complicated than it had to be in some areas, and I would like to see more variety in the loot. Overall, with the ever-present patching, and changing of MMO's, this one could be a contender later on, if handled right!
I'm not a huge fan of the monthly, story driven games though. I'm too busy to spend enough time playing them to indulge myself in a storyline every month. Now, if there were some way we could play those story's at our own pace, that'd be pretty neat. But as it stands, you miss playing for a month, you've lost the storyline opportunity (except the cinema's, which are viewable anytime).