Let's Sing


Dec 16, 2022
England, UK
So I found out last year that there was a game called Let's Sing. I normally get my kids Just Dance for Christmas Eve but last year I got them Just Dance early and I got Let's Sing as a change for Christmas Eve and they had a ton of fun on it throughout Christmas.

Have you ever played Let's Sing and what console do you have it for? We got it for the Nintendo Switch.
I haven't played this video game called Let's Sing. It's my first time of hearing about the game but from what you have explained, it looks like a game that's going to be very interesting to play. If it's on Nintendo Switch, I'll buy it.
I don't like any music kind of video game. It's not what I like doing in the video game that I'm playing. It's why I don't and I won't play this game.