kwilson nickname contest


Active Member
Jun 23, 2005
Da Hood, Beeyatch
alright people, katie needs a decent nickname, #2 just isn't working, vanilla wafer she doesn't enjoy and kwilson, well jee, lets see, kwilson, katie wilson, kwilson, hah, I get it, lets do this for a week, winner gets 1000, yes, 1000 of my petz dollars, katie will fill you in with the details.
There are details? I just want a decent nickname is all. FriedaLay, Porn Dealer, Butch, and #2 just aren't cutting it. Something not insulting would be nice.
cookie, ham-bone, button-masher, celephane-suzy, moon-walker, KW, kw, moose, hair-person, facehead, brain alien, kwphonehome, noisey joisey, temptress, night walker, cake walker, walker - texas ranger, piewalker, teenage mutant ninja katie (TMNK), "this must be where the children play", has-all-her-teeth, IT, angry lady, blunder woman, stinky, doofus, button, cupcake, tootsie, hank, merv, frito, fry-daddy, fry-baby, plant-killer, baby-eater, dog-hater, george, sue, betty, al, toad, worm, grub, baby-cakes, k-dub, batgirl, scooter, chip, dances-with-nerds.

thats all for now. more to come later !
nuclear katie, pestilence, plague, famine, war, cranky, crank-shaft, drive-shaft, k-shaft, k-mart, katemart, circle K, K-bone, K.O., T.K.O., katality (fatality), Mortal Kate-bat, katefarm, kwuption, oaky, K.Y., scrub, skrub, madam k, mouse, bambi, ginger, kate-spice, k8y, k8r the hater, junior, pal, kiddo, chum, chum-bucket, katinator, katatron, k-3000, k-3k, k-1k, k1k, anyThinK, noThinK, everyThinK, tink, poopsie
*grabs the torch from GhostToat*

Katie Kat, King Katie Rool, kwillz, kwillzone, hardkore katie, katie bates, katurday, Kentucky-fried Katie, katieclops, klueless... *torch goes out*

katie kat, kit kat, katie killing kuriosly, killa katie, kwilson v2.0, kwonami, kwousin ed, solid katie, master katie, katie chief, katastrophic katie, kokane, katie the accuser, katie and the pussycats, katie dooby doo, katie flintstone, kalamity kate, kurious katie, kijg, katie toast, Bkatie, katie the kat, akukatie, katieuption, and finally, kwilsongoddess