Kurruptions Rants

summers here, not technically but whatever. Time for hot sun, hardly any new games to come out and e3.

Also the summer blockbuster movies are coming out. Sin City delivered and exceeded my expectation. Batman Begins seems interesting, but I'm taking a cautious approach due to the last piece of crap. Fantastic Four is also coming out, for those who care, I'm a big fanboy *definition next for those who don't know* Not a big fan of the ff, but Dr Doom is my absolute favorite character, you know I'm not missing that, and of course star wars, I'm actually going to stand in line till midnight for the first showing, not because I want to, friends convinced me. Expectations low, but who knows.

Fanboy: Comic geek/nerd
Gamer: Video game geek/nerd
Trekkie: Star Trek geek/nerd
Hip hop head: Hip hop geek/nerd

Q:"If comic fans are called "fanboys" and Star Trek fans are called Trekkies then what are Star Wars fans called?"

A:"Soulless freak abomination, who don't realize what passes for a "plot" in "Star Wars" is actually a collection of the most tired and hackneyed premises gathered from lowbrow genre fiction from the ages"
Actual question in "Wizard" magazine May 1997 pg 8
i can't believe monster in law grossed highest in the box office this past weekend. i guess there are no good movies/games in the summer cause everyone supposedly has tons of money for traveling and being outside.

with the exception maybe of star wars coming out. it just MIGHT be good.
Yeah imdb.com says the box office has been hurting for several weeks. I just hope H2G2 makes its money back. It has been a long time coming, and while I haven't seen it, it deserves to be a success. I hope Batman does well, but I could really care less about Star Wars. Don't get me wrong, I want to see the movie. However, this past weekend Cartoon Network showed the entire Clone Wars series. I think Anakin and Padme showed more character in like two lines in there than in Episode I or II. If you are a SW fan, I would recommend checking out Clone Wars. The Arc Troopers and General Grevious are extremely badass. I wouldn't be surprised if the makers of Republic Commando got some of their inspiration from the portrayel of the squad in CW. Also, I will be impressed if General Grevious is 1/8th as much of a badass in the movie as he is in the animated microseries. We shall see. Lucas created a wonderful universe, but he has shown that he just isn't a great storyteller. I wish the people who did CW could have done these prequels.
ya i could have gone and seen H2G2 but i decided to see amityville horror instead and wished i had just jumped theaters after the first several horror movie cliches took place. that movie was a huge dissapointment. now here are some movies i'm looking forward to but have no idea when they are coming out: rob zombie's next movie...and 28 weeks later.
Ok brace yourself this might be long heh heh long.

Anyways, I am not your stereotypical Star wars geek, I've seen them all, but I could care less about the *culture* if you will. I work at a retail place, kind of a cross between, blockbuster, bestbuy, and barnes and nobles, I get along with a bunch of people there. They all were going to camp out to see the midnight showing of episode III and they talked me into going with them. Our assistant manager camped out at the theatre for 37 hours, he was the first in line and saved us all a spot in the front of the line.

I made it there yesterday at 6pm, and I had a freaking blast, only one person dressed up as a jedi, and he was made fun of constantly, since CJ was at the front of the line he would be making constant announcements at the whole line, which was a mile long. We would start chants and everybody would follow, until we started chanting "sex, sex, sex", hardly anybody followed on that one but it dawned on us, star wars fanboys, The last time I had seen so many virgins, I had walked in to my first day at pre-school. These guys are the opposite from the stereotypical star wars geeks you see on tv. So the wait was a blast, we did more explicit things than I can talk about.

Now the movie, Oh boy did they finally get it right !!! My biggest complaint about episode II was that the best part was the last 10 minutes, Think of it like this, Episode III is like the last 10 minutes of Episode II, only extended for 2 hours and 13 minutes, with only 30 minutes of character development. One more thing, shout out to my friend Naomi, she started crying a river in three select parts of the movie.
I'm glad to hear that on the final go round Lucas did something right. Don't worry. In twenty years, he'll release the special edition with an all Jar Jar cast, Justin Timberlake as Obi Won and Snoop Dogg as Mace.

Speaking of Samuel L, please tell me he says "bitch" at least once before cutting someone down. Please, please. Even if he doesn't say it, tell me he says it. Then all will be right with the world.
It was funny. When I saw the movie I kept expecting Mace to produce a Desert Eagle and start shooting up the Senate. He was definitely channeling Pulp Fiction for parts of his performance.
disagree, although he is best known for pulp fiction, I think in his other movies such as coach carter, XXX, if you can live through that, and die hard 3 he was a completely different person, None of those have exceeded the sheer bad ass that sam is best known for though
Hey wijg, you notice there has been a serious lack of smiley's being posted. Well I haven't seen one in a while. Do you think it was some passing fad or something?
Well, Demi hasn't been frequenting the boards as much. She is a frequent user of such devices.

I think in reality, the smilies are lying in wait, preparing to strike when we least expect it. They're like the clouds.
Dammit BC. The nonsequitor topic is the "New here" started by Acitphoneisisosis. That guy. We are only having rational conversation here.

"Boys watch your language, shit."