Is gaming an ADDICTION......There is Detox


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
Are you addicted to games. Can't put down the joystick. Find yourself saying Get the Fruit Get the Furit. Have you dreamed about the Flood and shooting them. Do you jones for the next hot game. How about telling yourself just one more hour a playtime i'll sleep later. You my friend may be and addict.

But there is hope in Denmark they will open the first ever VIDEO GAME DETOX CENTER.

Here is the link for the news

I think its bull it's not a addiction.
Anyone watch the show 'Intervantion'? They had a guy on there who was "addicted" to video games and his family staged an intervention to send him "rehab". I thought it was utterly ridiculous when I saw the preview, but when the show aired, I was completely convinced. This guy played literally close to 20 hours a day, his eyes are permanently dialated, and he had this smokin' hot female friend that would come over to his place and watch him play games while he ignored her. His Mom paid his bills, it was so sad and so convincing. He video taped himself playing DDR for 24 hours for christ's sake. Until this guy, I would have said that video game addiction was near impossible, but now I time myself when I play. yikes.
Wow, to think they'd have a detox center o_0. Don't tell my mum, she'd try to cart me off to there.

Maybe I should back off the games a bit though... I was up very very late last night trying to repay the last 160,000 bells of my debt to Tom Nook after the Stanley Cup (took 1.5 hours >_< I suceeded thankfully).

There have been other times when I question my sanity regarding games. I mean, I was running a cross country race and this girl who wasn't too far ahead of just me passed out and fell to the ground (kind of scary). What was the first thing that came to my mind?
"Phoenix down!!"