If you could make a game, what would it be like?


Nov 9, 2014
As a community of gamers, if you made a game that you were going to release to the market, what would it be like? I would try and take the best aspects of some games, the ones that made it unique really, like the physics engine from Battlefield, the movement system of Brink, the character customization of Halo: Reach, the class creation of CoD, and the graphics of Crysis. All wonderful games that have had a lot of attention (except Brink), and all have their own communities. What about you?
I would make a first/third person action/adventure/fantasy/RPG/strategy game! It will be a first/third person interaction I call Micro-view on one level, with gameplay like GTA V and Skyrim put together. Then there will be a global interaction I call Macro-view, that your character can achieve at a certain level depending on one's character, influence, skills, finances, and reputation or through conquering and pillaging - this gameplay will allow players to create things on mass such as build and maintain populace centers [villages, towns, cities, etc.], create armies, trade, and pretty much do what most strategy games are about.

First/third person gameplay has no limits to where one can go, while macro gameplay will be restricted in movement and interaction either bonds [oral or written; requires high influence, charisma, or good social skills], barter, or some form of financial instrument e.g. money. Macro-view time and processes can be made faster by collecting crystals that bend time-space, which are then used at temples that the micro-view missions will involve and solve, but this has a negative effect on one's character due to random growth algorithms. Micro-view interactions is how one influences the rise and fall of the Macro-view gameplay, because many missions will require working with other online players or NPCs to open Macro-view achievements.

The whole game will be on a few continents with hundreds of ocean islands. Depending on one's character creation, one will either find themselves starting on the continent or a island. All places are conquerable, so long as the reigning NPC or player is deposed - however, this is no guaranteed one will be accepted as the new leader if one's reputation is too low. There will be three ages that can be played: a prehistoric [Atlantis, giants, Dinosaurs, mythical creatures, etc.], a historic [Mythological deities, demons, vampires, trolls, orcs, etc.], and a present time period in which a mixture of the two previous ages of creatures seep through time-portals and are overrunning the human world!

I can't go any further, because I thought most of this on a fly, but I have had a similar game idea for a few years now. And yes, people can use my ideas, although I would like some recognition for inspiration or whatever.
Mine would be a hack and slash with tons of combos and upgrades like Devil May Cry or God of War. I love just laying back and hacking through hordes of enemies whenever I am in a leisurely mood. I like the simplicity of it as some others are just a bit too complex and intense but they are good too if I'm in the right mood.
Open-world RPG with hints of RTS and city building... But yeah, I am already in the process of making it so.. not hard to answer this question.