Hey guys!

Get over myself? Hah, that's impossible, hell I'm so full of myself I'd have sex with a mirror if that was possible *hmmm, I should google that and find out*



kurruption=my big brave boy

I am here kurruption. I will support hey guys in its attempt to reestablish its rightful place of dominance.

I apologize for my absence. I haven't had my computer at work for a few days.
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Or a Real Genius. Now that was a great movie. It had some great lines. If a girl who is even remotely attractive ever walks up to me and asks if I have the talent to deal with a 6 inch spike and a board, I will marry her on the spot.
You might want to set your standards just a little bit higher, Alex. After all that sounds like something an escaped mental patient would do.
Well since you guys don't think a pulse and sanity are setting the stanadars a little high, what standards do you think wijg should set when looking for a date?
I would definitely accept a hot vampire chick. Vampires are always portrayed as sexy beings. That could rock.

And Kurruption, there was a lot of that at E3. However the picture in the booth babes article is the closest I got.

Furthermore, I think everyone should continue working hard on finding wijg a hot chick. It is a noble endeavor.
All we need now is some sort of contest. Lets say the first person to bring wijg a female that makes him yell out "SHAZAM!" at the end of the night gets a nifty new batman cup, hey it worked with finding kwilson a new nickname, "Special K" remember, and we all know how long that lasted.
But we need a reality tv name for this show. Like "Who wants to put out for a big loser moron?" Ok, the first step is coming with the perfect name for this contest.