Guilty Gear 2: Overture


Aug 6, 2005
chemical plant zone
looks like it takes place during the holy crusade backstory:

After endless Guilty Gear Xs and Guilty Gear XXs, this winter will see the actual sequel to the original Guilty Gear game. It's even for the Xbox 360! As we previously posted, the game can be described as an RTS-meets-action-game-mixed-with-hair-metal in 3D. Dubbed Guilty Gear 2: Overture, players are out to destroy enemy base "Master Ghost." Gone are traditional 2D arcade style brawling and in is 3D "melee action" against multiple bad guys. And that sounds like Dynasty Warrior-type in-the-field endless chain-type combat. The game is due out this winter in Japan.

Note: Those who are heading to Comic Market 72 on the 18th at Tokyo Big Sight, be sure to check out the Overture goods Arc System Works has on display. There'll be t-shirts, mouse pads and mug cups.

The graphics look really sweet, but part of me wishes it they were still using high res 2d graphics. they keep trying to force GG into a melee genre(Isuka!) but it doesn't seem like they can do it in a way that doesn't suck. too early to tell tho, it could go either way