Games Adapted From Movies and TV Shows


Nov 10, 2014
I'm sure most of us here would agree that a lot of movie game adaptations just aren't that good for one reason or another. My guess is that it's probably because developers for these games are often rushed and also they just don't need to exert that much effort since people will still but the games as long as it contains people's favorite characters and catch phrases.

That said, I'd love to hear if there are any movie or TV adapted games that you guys would consider to be exceptions to the rule. Something that doesn't feel generic or rushed. Alternatively, I'd also love to hear about your worst experiences with game adaptations.
I ususally hate the adaptions. They are pathetic. Activision's The Walking Dead game is a prime example of how ugly things can get. There are always a few exceptions like Telltale's The Walking Dead game series and The Batman series by Rockstdeay games.
Games adapted from TV Shows and Movies, rarely tend to be good. The two good moive/TV Show adaptations I've played were Battle For Middle Earth I & II and a few of the Simpsons games - I still play BFME II to this day. Also, I like LOTR: Conquest, which a fun game to play for awhile there with my friends and siblings; the Witch King was my favorite to play. King Kong was okay to play, but it lacked dynamic after a hour of playing. Evil Dead games were fair to play and was entertaining to see and hear Ash be Ash, specifically Evil Dead: Regeneration - also, they're going to make a TV series soon starring Bruce Campbell as Ash and Sam Raimi Directing the pilot!

There's plenty of games adapted from movies, but most have escaped my mind.
Shadow of Mordor was really good, if you can consider it to be an adaptation from LOTR. In any case, usually any games released shortly after or in conjunction with a movie are more than likely to be bad, since developers are just trying to rush out a game to rake in some profits while the movie is still hyped.

Most of the time I would probably agree with you, but there are exceptions.
TV to video game adaptation are bad. If they do make one, it's loosely based, and not much substance. I don't know what goes into the thought process in making these decisions. Make the thought of cross promotion equals more money. Not sure what they were thinking.