

Contributing Writer
Jun 23, 2005
British Columbia
The way DravensPain wrote up that article about all the writers that went to E3 this year made it seem like a real blast. Makes me want to go to the next one real bad. You guys have any stories you'd like to share that can't be spoken about in front of the public such as parties, things that you saw that aren't worth writing about or anything else of interest?

Also, I'm really, REALLY jumping the gun here but for next E3 I think it would be cool to have a feature where each writer who went writes his or hers thoughts on the event, what they remembered the most vividly (be it anicdote, game, hardware) and what they are looking forward to in the coming months from what they've seen.

Also, how much would you estimate the whole event cost you as an individual? I gotta start saving up for next year (that is, if I can go :c: .)
Lol, great article Andy! And I'm determined to make LA-like bacon-wrapped hot dogs at home, and never leave again. :p
You know Yoggs, it was a ton of fun, and I think it's easy to see we all got along very well. It's pretty tough on your legs and feet...but it's still worth the company, the business cooked up at the convention, and the fun that's had. There are a few little secrets that abound...but none that I'm at liberty to divulge...besides hinting at my own. Let's just say that for about 7 hours, I was flat broke and trapped in LA with no money, and possibly no way home...AND on the last night, Andy came to my rescue for a seperate "emergency situation" that I still owe him for. Lol.
You should definitely try to go at least once. The pricing depends mainly on where you have to fly in from (I came from NC, so it cost me about $300 up front for a plane ticket, and then about $130 for a hotel room for the week. Also...keep in mind that the food at the convention center (which is pretty much the only food you're going to get while working) is somewhere between $10 and $15 for a burger, fries and a drink.
I just want to go to be there and experience it, plus I'll get the bragging rights afterwards.

It sounds like you guys had a really good time. Did you get into any sort of special screenings or anything like that or did you just have to experience everything like a commoner would? Lol.

I'd like to go next year since all the new PS3 titles will be there. Maybe even a playable demo of MGS4...? :dr:
Hmmm..and a classic mistake of "posting something while too late and too tired to really think about what I'm posting". Lol.
Yoggs, we did get a few private screenings of things...a few being Oblivion, Zelda, Xbox 360, Alan Wake, etc. But in truth, some of the most amazing sights were directly on the show floor. F.E.A.R looked absolutely stunning, and I'll leave it to Matt to expose the Alan Wake stuff.....but one thing that really rocked us (literally...as the floor was one huge subwoofer) was EA's 360 degree (not Xbox) projection screen showing supposed real game footage of a bunch of Next Gen titles. I probably shouldn't spoil anymore until the individual articles come out.
If your question is, as MyGamer staff...do we get a few extra feet in the doors where "normal" show-walkers can't....the answer is "yes". Though you sometimes have to work for it a bit!
It was indeed a blast. I paid about $225 for my plane ticket and another $120 for the room. I spent two days on a surprisingly comfy couch, which I was happy to have, seeing as how I was sure that I'd be spending one night either on the floor or doubled-up with Brian "The Lonely Bachelor". Seeing as how he was intoxicated on booth babes and VERY short on sleep, I can only imagine the nocturnal horrors I would have experienced in that situation. =)

Beyind that, I spent another $150 or so for assorted goodies, including my ticket for Star Wars Ep. III, parking, bacon dawgs, subway fare, alka-seltzer and assorted tips/bribes. So, all-in-all it was pretty affordable. OH, and Hang said that press were sometimes fed gratis in the press room (even though I never managed to get up there to see it) so that might save you a few bucks. If you put aside $5 or $10 a week starting now you should have more than enough cash. =)
I just want to go next year so I can get a nickname. That's the only reason. Congrats everyone who took the time and spent the money to go. We, the losers who couldn't get away, appreciate it and envy your for it. From the new bossman's article, it sounded like it was a great group that went and you all had a good time.

In response to BC's post above, I believe some Quagmire is in order.

Q-man: Whoa, transvestite. Wait a minute, pre-op or post-op?
Trannie: Pre-op.
Q-man: Whoa, transvestite.
Shit yeah, man. I want me a nickname too. It would rule!

So that's pretty sweet that you guys got some private screenings. I guess it means we're doing something right. I'll probably put aside $1000 for next year. I have to get me some of that fancy American money though. Luckily your dollar's worth is declining rapidly so the exchange shouldn't be too much by then. :)

So I know what to expect, what do you do at E3? Just walk around checking things out and then get back to the hotel to write them up or do you write things up as you go along? Also, did you have to bring along your PCs or did you have some other way of writing thins stuff down? Oh! And did you guys get any pictures of anything, including the show and/or yourselves?
Yeah, you pretty much walk around...hit previous appointments you've made...oogle some booth girls, walk around ALOT more...cry because your feet hurt...and then walk a little more.
It's extremely hard to come back and write about everything you've seen. It's not easy to take notes standing up, watching a demo...you can't exactly lug around a laptop all day, and the only media room is WAY off the main hall, so that you waste precious time running back and forth up there. What we decided to do, was snap pictures, jot down what notes we could, collect press kits, business cards...hand out our own...and try to make the best of it when we got home! The hotel didn't have free internet access...so even that was out of the question. Along with attending various cooperate parties at night...it all leaves you little time to get anything done with a crew of only 6-7 people. Not to mention you're tired as hell by time the day is over!

In my two years of going to E3..this was definitely the better year. We've got tons of pictures that we'll be posting along the way (some of mine were used for the article thumbnails regarding E3 already), and we have various humiliating pictures of the group that went, along with some celebrities, which we'll also try to find a way to post.
Sweet. I'm looking forward to the pictures of you guys more than anything. I only know what Hang looks like and I want to know what others look like that I work with. I'm also interested in the celebrities you guys met. Anyone of any significant fame or just B-list celebs?
The booth babes article is up... I had NO IDEA how to submit this, since it had pictures AND comments, so I just bashed together a quickie page to hold it.

YES I know guys... You wanted to vote too, but it was hard enough finding the time to edit all these photos and make thumbnails and such, so if you have anything else, just post it seperate. ;)


URL>> http://freakygamer.com/thebombshelter/E3/
It's not on mygamer. Copy the link at the bottom of ImagoX's post.

Does anyone have a picture of their mygamer business card? That would be cool. I want one. Do we have a template for it?
Reply to: wijg:

It's not on mygamer. Copy the link at the bottom of ImagoX's post.

Does anyone have a picture of their mygamer business card? That would be cool. I want one. Do we have a template for it?

Oh... DURP!
I'm sure that the site admin will get it converted and posted directly on MyGamer really soon- I just put it on my site because I had no idea how to submit an article/review with in-line images with thumbnails and captions other than to build it as HTML Sorry for the confusion.

Oh, and Hang had color cards that he made, so maybe HE has the template? I was thinking of taking s stab at cards myself, actually since we really do need to have them for stuff like this. Maybe we should do a contest?
Reply to: Lylabean:

Hey you're kind of a hottie yourself...which gives me an idea..


Hey girls, you with me? The top 20 hot guys of My Gamer ;)


Who? ME? You can't mean ME... ( :: blush :: ).

I'm down with a contest like that, provided we get to rate the ladies as well. ;)

Don't listen to Huddy... he'd leap at any chance to put his picture on the web. ( :: ducking :: )...
The only way I would be close to consideration is if you believed that my avatar was an accurate representation of my appearance.

"And if you don't believe that, I'm sorry I was at the game yesterday Mr. Weed."


"It doesn't have to Lois. I'm beautiful."