Dreaming of a new Marvel vs.

Hey, Cable beat the crap out of Apocalypse SOLO. FREAKIN APOCALYPSE. Bare-handed...well, as bare-handed as he could get since he's got a huge-ass metal arm. It's somewhat well-established that Cable is one of the strongest characters in the Marvel universe because of his kickass telepathy, but the fact that he could give Apocalypse the beatdown without them just rules.

But some miniseries can seriously be great. Red Son was cool indeed, and on the Marvel side, things like the "Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe" which was "what if Punisher's family gets caught in a crossfire between the Brood and Avengers instead of some gang bangers?" He ends up systematically killing pretty much every single major Marvel character, including one of the single greatest moments in Marvel history, when Punisher kills Captain America. And when Gambit and Wolverine get captured and pitted against eachother, and Wolvie ends up gutting Gambit. But there are also the crappier ones...like the Archangel miniseries, where it's reallty just nothing but him wallowing in self-pity and bitching about how how his life is screwed up cuz he has freakishly large wings and his skin is a healthy blue. There was the occasional flashback and mention...but it just way too melo-dramatic.
scribe999 said:
That would be kind of AWESOME...unfortunately, I can't imagine a scenario where Marvel Entertainment and DC would be able to work out a deal with each other.

Still, to think we might be able to answer the age old question, who would win in a fight? Gorilla Grod or the Beetle???

There was a Marvel vs. DC once. They let the fans decide who would win: Batman vs. Wolverine, Hulk vs. Superman, etc. It had some interesting points, but it really was a popularity contest. Superman beat Hulk ticked me off the most. Supes is a solar battery, the longer he fights, the weaker he gets (See Doomsday if you don't believe me). But the Hulk gets stronger the madder he gets. No way could Hulk lose that one.

However there was one that was hilarious. Namor vs. Aquaman. Namor has superstrength and can fly, so he had the upper hand and was kicking the crap out of Aquaman. Then Aquaman hit him with a whale, literally. Namor can't talk to the fishies like Aquaman, so he didn't know a friggin whale was doing a belly flop on him until too late.

Oh yeah, and another Elseworlds dealt with "What if Batman had found the Green Lanter ring?" That was very interesting and I believe had sequels.
Darth_Jonas said:
No way could Hulk lose that one.

Dude... give Supes enough leverage and he can and has moved PLANETS. Plus he can fly anywhere in the universe practically, shoot heat beams from his eyes, freeze things with his breath... Hulk can... jump. And smash. Sorry, but the Jolly green Giant's not even in the same league.

Of course, a superhero's power level is highly based on who's writing that hero at any given point in time, so you kind of have to go by their power level a tthe time of the fight, not what they may or may not have been able to do in the past.... It's all just fiction and, as you say, it is a popularity contest of sorts, but nothing short of an immortal/supernatural god should be more powerful in sheer strength than Supes.
Anyone remember the pathetic Amalgam comics crossover series? Marvel and DC mashing together their titles into a bunch of mismatched characters in alternate realities, like: Dark Claw (Batman mixed with Wolverine), Bruce Wayne Agent of SHIELD (that should be obvious), Super-Soldier (Superman and Captain America), Iron Lantern (duh), JLX (Justice League and X-Men), and Speed Demon (Ghost Rider and Flash), just to name a few. It seems to me that the companies were really trying to pull off something big but the audience wasn't there. The readers really didn't know what to make of it, and it basically died on the table. RIP.
the Amalgam thing did reek. The characters looked horrible and the stories were just plain weird. The Elseworlds titles from DC, where they combined their own characters sometimes, took a similar formula and made it work.

And Imago, Doomsday beat Supes all over the country and he can't fly or shoot eyebeams. Heat rays and ice breath don't work on the Hulk. Come on, Green has never been a good color for Superman.

However, Batman could beat the Hulk by playing mind games and getting him to switch back into Bruce Banner. Then he could kill him.
Darth_Jonas said:
There was a Marvel vs. DC once. They let the fans decide who would win: Batman vs. Wolverine, Hulk vs. Superman, etc. It had some interesting points, but it really was a popularity contest. Superman beat Hulk ticked me off the most. Supes is a solar battery, the longer he fights, the weaker he gets (See Doomsday if you don't believe me). But the Hulk gets stronger the madder he gets. No way could Hulk lose that one.

However there was one that was hilarious. Namor vs. Aquaman. Namor has superstrength and can fly, so he had the upper hand and was kicking the crap out of Aquaman. Then Aquaman hit him with a whale, literally. Namor can't talk to the fishies like Aquaman, so he didn't know a friggin whale was doing a belly flop on him until too late.

Oh yeah, and another Elseworlds dealt with "What if Batman had found the Green Lanter ring?" That was very interesting and I believe had sequels.

This was a game? I don't remember this...I've seen the crossover books before, but not a video game. Let me know either way, because my point was that Marvel and DC would have a hard time coming to terms on something that would be as lucrative as video games...it would be like them negotiating a Batman versus, um, say, Iron Man movie...books one thing, extended entertainment franchises are something else.

Oh, and...a WHALE?!?! Damnably tricksy that Aquaman.
No, I was talking about the comix collaboration. If they can get together on the sacred grounds of the books, then they should be able to negotiate a game deal. All it would take is for them to see it as profitable. There's always been a decent relationship, and sometimes a good one, between Marvel and DC. Writers and artists continually bounce between the two companies so it's kinda hard to hate on each other.

and oh yeah, I laughed until I was wiping tears when I turned the page to see a huge splash illustration of the whale landing on Namor.
Yeah, the decisive matchups were...

Lobo vs Wolverine (Wolverine won, barfight, clawed him good)
Superman vs Hulk (Superman won, gave him a good beatdown and eyelaser and such)
Aquaman vs Namor (Aquaman won, he has a killer whale jump up and squish him when Namor demands he gives up instead of killing him)
Superboy vs Spiderman (Spiderman webs him and smashes him into a power plant where he bakes)
Thor vs Captain Marvel (Thor hammers him, but end up losing his hammer)
Wonder Woman vs Storm (Wonder Womang gets Thor's hammer, but Storm hits her with a lightning bolt and, once again, somebody gets electricuted)
Flash vs Quicksilver (Flash wins...bull)
Catwoman vs Elektra (Elektra throws her off a building)
Silver Surfer vs Green Lanturn (Surfer wins using major Galactus powerups)
Robin vs Jubilee (Robin beats her...but doesn't kill her)
Batman vs Capt America (sorta undecided)
Here's a truly boring scenario for anyone other than the "watch CNBC after midnight to catch how the International Markets are doing" crowd:

Bruce Wayne versus Tony Stark: Hostile Takeover

Nope, not the a stunning vision of tech versus tech as Batman's utility belt takes on the Armor that changes with each new artist. Rather, a riveting tale of backroom stock deals, dummy corporations, fund manipulation and shady accounting practices as Stark Enterprises takes on Wayne Enterprises in a winner-take-all takeover bid that will eventually be voted on by the shareholders.

Actually... that could be an interesting story. Both men are unsurpasssed in business accumen and tactics, and if each thought they were in the right, the things they would do to protect their companies could be facinating. I can see such a story devolving, as each man resorts to more and more questionable tactics to gain an edge...
Wayne would win. Stark is a genius inventor, but Bats is the greatest detective in the world. He could out-smart the tin man in no time.
Stark also lost his business once due to a guy named Obadiah Stane and his alcoholism. Stane Enterprises...boy did that suck as a name. Or Stane International, I think.
Yeah, the Iron Man frequently goes crazy and ends up losing control of his business, or isolating his allies, or just doing something stupid.
who would be a Marvel nemesis for Bruce Wayne? I would say the Wilson Fisk of old, but Marvel isn't exactly overflowing with Wayne-like business men.