Dr. Phil to discuss videogame violence o_O oh noes.

Meggo the Eggo

New Member
Apr 4, 2006
northeast Ohio
Dr. Phil will be filming a show this Thursday about videogame violence, complete with an unnamed "game violence specialist," which sounds like another thing Dr. Phil has pulled out of his ass.

It hasn't been said when this show will air, but I'll definintely watch it... I want to see who this mystery guest is. I doubt it will be wacky Jack Thompson, but who knows.

In the list of comments on the article posted about this, Gamerdad of gamerdad.com said he was asked to appear on the show, but after he told them he believed games did not cause violence, they lost interest.

I dunno, but from the sounds of that, it doesn't look like it's going to be an open-minded discussion...
typical dr. phil - one sided story.
and these house moms eat the crap up.
FOR GOD's SAKE PEOPLE THE GAME HAS A RATING ON IT... DON'T BUY IT FOR YOUR KID THEN!!!... lets come up with more ways for parents not to be parents... [ outlaw gaming completely]

The next Dr.Phil show airs Friday - "cheating on your wife should be a capitol offense."
Dr. Phil is a joke. Daytime TV is a joke. All of it--Dr. Phil, soap operas, Maury, psychic Sylvia Brown on Montel, etc.--need to go away if you ask me.
Maury does a service to many men... showing that women are devious liar!!! ( >_< )
My favorite term is " You are not the father!" on the girls 20th attempt.

the others can piss off.
Well, the people that they are bringing out show probably will show that children will act out more when they are placed infront of a violent video game for several hours.

I had a professor who did some of these studies in college. I questioned him openly in class when he brought it up. Basically the child acting out is a child that has been placed infront of a video game for several hours, then asked to interact with another child. The child acts out. He believed this was case in point.

The problem, and the one that I pointed out, is that there was no control. The control was the child that did not play the game. The game just happened to be violent. There wasn't even a "control still child" where they watched a movie or something, or played, i don't know , a non-violent game. The control of the control was that there was non, and most of these studies are done on one child. That isn't a study, that is noticing something about one person.

The studies that are done to prove that children act out are normally sponsored by someone. The problem with the several studies that say that they do not cause damage are normally "thrown out" because one of the staff members plays games.