
Ok, does anybody else dislike how all the females' endings sucked except Ayane and Helena? I mean, I like side boob as much as the next guy, but I can look up regular boobs whenever I want. I would much rather have seen some know...explosions and people getting cut in half.
So Spud has a 360 now. Looks like I'll have to start practicing in DoA4 real soon.

Yeah, I don't really like that there are so many funny endings either. What do you think of the final boss?
Alpha was a bitch and a half. Not as Annoying as Omega though. She's between Tengu and Omega. The ending, though (Helena's) was just awesome.

And yeah, Mav. I'm going to have to give you a major beatdown, it seems.
Yea I have it. The carcks on my Door, and movie parts that you can here in my 360 controller can prove it. I mean what the hell one minute the game is cake walk the next the pain my may ass of crap takes place. It's like the Dead fish all over again. But this time it's the Freaking whole game. But yea the endings do suck a little.
I suck so hard at DOA4, I rented and returned pretty dang quickly. Alpha owned me. I suppose that's the kind of game that requires practice?
Yes it does. But all is not lost to everyone. But maybe it's me, it's the only game that gives me a challange, or has a Ninja Giaden/Devil May Cry feel to it. SO I keep it around just to Kick Ass and get mine kicked right back. But maybe I need to buy another contoller to throw around my room.