Do You Flame?


New Member
Nov 7, 2014
Oh man I hate flaming--I absolutely hate it! I play a lot of MOBA and as you guys may very well know, flaming in this kind of game is particularly rampant. Everybody wants to appear as the leader of the team, one who would carry it to victory, and one who doesn't make mistakes. How childish! I must admit, though, that sometimes I can't help it. I usually ignore trolls but I can only hold so much. I imagine many of you here are the same.

So guys, do you flame?
I try not to flame, however civility can only get you so far. If your teammates are flaming you, feeding or trolling try your best to mute/ignore them. I've flamed some people before in retaliation, but I wouldn't initiate any flame.
I don't try to flame people, but I have to admit that I have been known to respond in kind at times. I try to avoid doing that mostly, but some people don't know when to quit. I usually only speak up when someone is picking on other people or giving them a hard time.
Oh man I hate flaming--I absolutely hate it! I play a lot of MOBA and as you guys may very well know, flaming in this kind of game is particularly rampant. Everybody wants to appear as the leader of the team, one who would carry it to victory, and one who doesn't make mistakes. How childish! I must admit, though, that sometimes I can't help it. I usually ignore trolls but I can only hold so much. I imagine many of you here are the same.

So guys, do you flame?
I find flaming really naive and i can't understand why people do it.Though it may be hard to requires a strong-willed individual to overcome it but when push comes to shove,you should weigh your options carefully.
I really do my best not to flame because honestly to me I think that it can really ruin the experience for everyone else. I try my best just to ignore the people who seem to like flaming or I would just put them on mute or something.
I pay no attention to it. Anyone who takes their game that seriously obviously needs to set their priorities straight especially if they are not even professionals getting paid to play. I don't mind a bit of banter and trash talking but when they become that serious about it I just get depressed at the quality of their life.
Just agree with everything they say it really irritates them.

"Hey you are so noob" Your reply, "Thank you for noticing, could you help me be a better player like you?"
"You are the dumbest player I have ever played with" Your reply, "Well thank goodness you don't have to play every game with me, If only I were a pro like you how much better life would be." And do thngs lie that, take every insult and twist it around without being rude or angry, They really hate that.

If that doesnt work just right click their hero and follow them around like a lost puppy. When they complain tell them you just want to learn how to play dota like the pros. Or I just want to play JUST like you is all, whats wrong with wanting to be like the pro captain you are?

It may seem a little childish but it can be fun especially if you see the game is an absolute lost cause anyways you might as well have a little fun with the flaming trash talkers.
I don´t like MOBAs or any random-que pvp game for that reason. It starts out where everyone wants to be the leader and by the time you figure out who really knows what they are doing, everyone else is screaming that you are losing because you did not follow their strategy.
I generally don't talk in games but I see no point in flaming someone even if they are obnoxious/immature. I mean if they're really that bad I'd generally just get a kick initiative started and let it be the end of the story. No need to waste my energy on people who generally want to try and get a rise out of me because I won't give them that satisfaction. The worst I've ever done was troll MMO dungeon/LFR runs where my guildmates and I would do stupid stuff in dungeons/LFR with random players, but we never went as far as to intentionally wipe or anything.
I really really try not to. However I do occasionally when I can just tell the person is intentionally being a cunt or whatever. I mean a man can only take so much, haha.

I really try to even get people to stop flaming actually, I really hate toxic players.