Capcom/RE5 racist?

the_roach said:
Aw, c'mon, Spudz. Have you ever seen a grown zombie cry?

Alright, since they already have zombie elephants, the next logical step would be Hippos, cuz those guys are fierce. That's the last thing I'd want to run into, a zombie hippo.
But you see, hippos live in Africa.

Apparently every game taking place in Africa should have you killing penguins :p
They should continue in their little RE world tour, once it gets stale they completely revamp the series and start out at the ruins of racoon city once again.

As far as the penguins are concerned they should have rocket launchers strapped to their backs batman returns style
That would be too awesome to put in video games.

Seriously, I don't think a disk could fit the awesomeness of rocket penguins.