Buying games


Nov 8, 2014
I've never spent more than 40$ on a PC game, because I don't think that it is okay to spend more money than that on a game. I never even think of buying a game that costs more than that. What is your price range limit when it comes to buying games? Higher or lower than mine?
My price range is typically in the 20 dollars to 30 dollars range and I don't like to go outside that range. As you said I don't think a game should be as expensive as when they first come to the shelves. How I see it, if the game is really something that I want, like something I've been wanting even before it got to the shelf, then I immediately go to see how much it is and if it's in my price range then I'll buy it.
I usually prefer buying games cheap on huge sales on Steam, every summer or every winter. They have a grand summer or winter sale every year, usually with an interesting event to accompany the sales. So, right now I am waiting for that. My price range is lower than 40$, I don't like spending over 20€ on a single game, unless I REALLY want the game and if it's a game that has recently came out. Most I spent on a game was 60€. I pre-ordered the first Black Ops, and I regretted that, and I bought the Bad Company 2, which was an awesome game, and I do not regret that purchase. Oh and, I pre-ordered Skyrim as well, don't regret that either. Other than that, I didn't really buy any other expensive games on release, only on huge sales.

My advice to all is, wait for the Thanksgiving sale, it should come soon, and if there is nothing on that sale you like, wait for the winter sale. It will be W-O-R-T-H it, trust me on this one.
I think the last game I bought was Starcraft 2. A long time ago. I prefer to play on my PS3 anyway.
I used to play subscription games and those monthly fees add up fast. I'd much rather buy a game for $50 these days and play it whenever I want for years than to suddenly figure out I've spent $100 over the course of two years on a game I barely play.
I usually buy games on Steam sales, and I've never spent more than $10 on a game.
I'm okay with the paying the flat $60 that they charge for big titles, but if I can at all avoid that (or hold out until a sale) then I will. I hate the high prices and can only hope that they won't get any worse, but on PC it's safe to say that there will always be a way to find a good deal.
My price range is typically under $20, due to Steam Sales and the Humble Bundle website. I have paid full value for some games, but they are by far the minority.