boring???? lets play

Space - it's the quickest and you get the fun of zero G before you die

ziti or penne?
is ziti actually a type of pasta? i thought it was a dish made with penne. well, whatever. i'll go with penne cause it's fun to say and doesnt make me think of acne.

if you had to be roommates with one of the mygamers, who would it be and why? what a great question !
ziti is just like penne except the edge of the tubes are cut straight and not at an angle.

I would choose to room with Andy because I like his accent.

With your kind permission this will be tomorrow's Question of the Day.

castanets or tamborine?
That is hard - I think Irish or Austalian
I'd say British but there are so many different regional ones and it's tough to choose

NY or NJ?
laser - as my boyfriend is fond of saying, "There is no problem a laser can't solve"
Besides I hate cellphones.

liposuction or chin tuck?
man i wouldnt really want either. but i suppose a liposuction would have less risk of making me look like a mutant. i dont have anything to liposuck, it shouldnt take long either.

which definition of "white dwarf" is your favorite?
White dwarfs are stable because the inward pull of gravity is balanced by the degeneracy pressure of the star's electrons. (This should not be confused with the electrical repulsion of electrons, which maintains the volume of normal matter, but is a consequence of the Pauli exclusion principle.) With no fuel left to burn, the star radiates its remaining heat into space for many millions of years.

In the end, all that remains is a cold dark mass sometimes called a black dwarf. However, the universe is not old enough for any black dwarf stars to exist.

If the white dwarf's mass increases above the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4 solar masses, then electron degeneracy pressure fails and the star collapses. Mass transfer in a binary system may cause such an increase in mass. This causes the white dwarf to be blasted apart in a type Ia supernova. These supernovae may be many times more powerful than the type II supernova marking the death of a massive star. Hence, no white dwarf more massive than 1.4 solar masses can exist; electron degeneracy pressure isn't strong enough.

If a white dwarf forms a close binary system with another star, hydrogen from the larger companion may accrete around and onto a white dwarf until it gets hot enough to fuse in a runaway reaction, although the white dwarf remains below the Chandrasekhar limit. Such an explosion is termed a nova

or mine

a star is formed when a dwarf has had much to eat and drink and implodes. this happens because he has accidentally burped and farted at the same time, which we all know will cause anyone to implode, sucking all the energy in around them until they shine like a star in a bar.
I like yours GT

would you rather travel back in time to the past or forward in time to the future?
pilot - I have always wanted to be a pilot, plus ships are faster than dragons

would you rather be cursed with bad luck or cursed to follow orders?