Are games good for your brain?


New Member
Oct 2, 2018
There are many reasons for us to exercise our brains, such as increasing our ability to concentrate on work, learn or simply to maintain our ability to think. Whatever the reason, remember to maintain training habits to avoid memory loss later. There are many popular brain training apps that are helpful in improving the mind and are suitable for all ages.
I think that all games have some degree of benefit for our brains, but to what degree is most likely going to vary from genre to genre.

For one thing, studies have shown that all games help in enhancing hand-eye coordination and reaction time. However, running around in Grand Theft Auto and mowing people down with a machine gun isn’t really going to be enhancing mental performance in any way.

That being said, research has also shown that puzzle games like Tetris and even Bejeweled actually do help when it comes to enhancing mental performance and cognitive abilities.
It has been scientifically proven that games are actually good for your brain. It increases your reflexes and it has been proven. A test was carried out to see who can control a drone better, normal people or a gamer. The results concluded that the people who played games were far better at controlling the drones. I have also read that army actually uses games such as CS:GO to train and test the ability of their soldiers.

In conclusion I would say that games do benefit the brain positively, but everything should be done in moderation. Things that are beneficial for health can prove fatal if done in excess amount. So play games, but allot a time to it.