Recent content by OGRICHBOI


    Do You Like/Love To Read?

    Whenever the internet goes down, you will always see me reading a book. I am currently reading Fahrenheit 451 and I love it. Books let you imagine a world that is not even real. Like gaming in a way, but in text form.

    What do you enjoy in your spare time? (well, aside from gaming)

    To be honest, I love playing sports more than gaming. Gaming has been the third most important activity in my life, coming after sports. I generally play soccer with my friends after school, which relaxes me.

    Favorite Pokemon Game?

    For me, it was Heart Gold. This game has a sentimental value because it was the last Pokemon game I ever played. It was around the 5th grade and everyone stopped playing, and I was heart broken.

    Your decent games

    Currently, I'm addicted to the game Crossy Roads. Ever play Frogger as a child? Well this is basically the modern, cartoonized version of Frogger! It becomes frustrating though, trust me.

    Do you prefer the pc version of games over the console?

    In some franchises, yes. For example, I never really got the hang of playing CoD on the PC. However, on the PS3, I became extremely good at it. I guess it is just a matter of personal preference when it comes to these types of things.

    Your top PC games of all time?

    For me, it would be Garry's Mod, hands down. This game is pretty much 100 games, compacted into one game. Also, it's extremely cheap for what you receive. I recommend getting this game if you love little mini-games.

    Mobile Grinding and Boring Games

    I feel like I have been seeing a reoccurring theme in mobile games. The theme of killing monsters for experience and leveling up. At first this may seem fun, but it becomes tedious extremely quick. What are your thoughts on these "grinding" type MMORP games?

    Is anyone else getting tired of farming games?

    I feel like they are games just to waste your time when you're waiting for the bus or in school. People like to see the progress they've made, and what better way to present that than a farm? But really, I do think they need to work on making them with a different theme.

    Do you think games are worth their current retail price?

    To be honest, I think the price is justified. The amount of work the developers put into their games is to be recognized. For new Indie games and such, this allows them to pay for even more games to be created. But sometimes, being charged 100$ for a game can take a toll on your wallet.

    Hey guys! Recommend me some cheap PC games that I can sink time into!

    I really recommend becoming experienced at DoTa 2. It's a cheap game (Free to Play) and it actually requires skill. Although the community might give you a bad reputation of the game, it is extremely fun to play with friends. Just don't get too mad while playing it.

    Do you think kids play games too much?

    I completely agree with this. When I was a young kid, we were always outside playing baseball, or soccer with friends. Now I look around and see kids inside toying with their smartphones. I guess that is what technology does to the youth.