Yet Another Weird Thing


Staff Member

Giacomo and Giovanni Battista Tocci were born in northern Italy on October 4, 1877. The children were separate above the waist, but shared an abdomen, pelvis, and two legs. When they were just one month old, they were given by their parents to doctors at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Turin to be studied and exhibited. During the period in which they were exhibited, the Tocci brothers were among the most dramatic and well-known sights in Europe and the United States. They were touted as the "Blended Twins" or the "Two-Headed Boy."

Because of the severe nature of their connection, the Tocci brothers never learned to walk without assistance. As in the case of some conjoined twins, each boy controlled only one leg, and they never were able to coordinate their movements. They were able to write (one was left-handed, the other right-handed) and each had artistic talents. After twenty difficult years touring, the twins retired to a secluded home near Venice, Italy. They married sisters and lived another forty-three years in seclusion.
I was ready to say that's a sad story, but then BC says they got married. Now I don't know what to think. And as far as sexual relations go, I don't even what to ponder the odd things that could've gone on. Weird just doesn't cut it.
Here's a question: Has anyone ever seen anything like that? I know there's some pretty freaky things out there, but that may be beyond the limits of weird fettishes.
or a former room mate of mine. In college he thought it was hilarious to randomly put on some midget porn. He would have the VCR loaded and quietly switch to it while we were entertaining girls. He was hoping it would get them fired up or something.
he managed to derail more than one trip to second base by triggering it from his room (we had a suite) when I or one of our other roommates were cuddling up to a hot college girl on the couch. We had to start checking to make sure he wasn't lurking about. That and thorough beatings with a bar of soap in a sock.
wait... so if they have sex an have 1 kid... arent they technically both the father? since they share one man part??? how the hell does that work hahaha

wow my mind just exploded
Darth_Jonas said:
Here's a question: Has anyone ever seen anything like that? I know there's some pretty freaky things out there, but that may be beyond the limits of weird fettishes.

Iv been told there is wheel chair or hadicapped porn but what i like to stick to manistream porn its a hella lot better

GhostToast said:
ya im scared of weird porn. i looked up albino porn once just for kicks. couldnt find anything. too bad.

damn i'm drunk. i should probably not be typing.

thats the way to be!!! come sunday night i will be too :)
