Who's the best Xbox character?


Xbox Editor
Jun 23, 2005
Hey folks! Brandon here. I'm the Xbox Editor. As an experiment, I've decided to start posting questions for the folks in the Xbox forums to answer. I'll post one question a week. If the response is good, I may have one of my writers work up an article on the topic discussed. Anyways, to start out, I think we'll go with an easy one:

Of all the characters in the Xbox library, which two do you feel are the best?

:pacman: Brandon
Master Chief IS coolsies, but Raikoh has a cool, retro feel to him, and Canderous rivals Solid Snake in badassitude, and beats out Boba/Jango Fett when it comes to looks...in KOTOR2.
I agree with Maverick. Those are my two favorites.

Sam Fisher and Master Chief