What is everyone playing currently?


New Member
Jan 18, 2015
I'm currently playing a bunch of stuff that I picked up in the Steam sale.

Lords of the Fallen: Not a great game IMO. Great visuals though. Extremely Dark Souls-esque in difficulty. I play little bits at a time since it frustrates me so much.

Prison Architect: Probably one of the games I've spent the most time with. Extremely awesome prison Sandbox game.

DayZ: Also an overhyped game IMO. There is absolutely nothing to be found here for 30 dollars, much less 40. Maybe worth 10 at the moment for an early access game. I hop in every now and again and then get bored in like 10 minutes.

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor: One of the other games I've spent a lot of time in and still am. The Nemesis system is awesome.
I'm currently playing Path of Exile - multiplayer hack'n'slash, similiar to Diablo (with isometric view as well). This game takes all my free time. I mean - it's pretty fun to play this game so I don't need any others. My PC is not that good to run games like newest Dragon Age or other games. But PoE is all I need and I'm good with it. ;)
Valkyria Chronicles and Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes were 2 titles which I picked up. The former was definitely worth the money, really engaging storyline and challenging gameplay.
I'm currently hooked on Vainglory for iOS, a mobile MOBA game. It's my first MOBA and I initially didn't think I'd get hooked on it since I rarely enjoy mobile games but after playing my first game I was immediately impressed and now I can't stop playing it and watching others play it as well. It's just a well rounded game that is perfect for touch screens.
Haven't found a game in the past few months to hook me for much longer than a week. Playing some State of Decay, which is fun but it's getting kind of repetitive to me. I've heard a lot of good things about Shadow of Mordor so I'll have to check it out.
I'm playing Dishonored, DiRT Showdown, Pressure, and Bully: Scholarship Edition these days. Dishonored is a stealth first-person action-adventure game and a bit similar to Assassin's Creed. DiRT Showdown is an off-road demolition focused arcade-racer. Pressure is a casual top-down driving-shooting game and Bully is an action-adventure story about a child in a big boarding school. Anyone playing any of these?
I'm deep into RPGs at the moment. Right now I'm in the middle of Citizens of Earth and Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth2.
I am playing Dark Souls 2, again. I think it's my 4th playthrough. It's quite amazing how I still die pretty often, not as often as I used to though. Apart from it., there is not much I am playing right now - just some indie games.
I'm trying to continue the Disgaea 2 game I started a million years ago and never continued. Since I watched a friend play it, I already know what happens but I do enjoy the game play, the plot and the characters so that wasn't really why I stopped. I just ran out of free time to play tactical role playing games.

Now that I'm playing it on a handheld rather than a console, it's much easier to find time for it. My current games are pretty much this and mindless mobile games really. I was able to play a lot during the holidays but my time is gone once more.
Now that I'm playing it on a handheld rather than a console, it's much easier to find time for it. My current games are pretty much this and mindless mobile games really. I was able to play a lot during the holidays but my time is gone once more.

I found almost all RPGs work better on handhelds.
Right now theres nothing that I am heavily into. Been too busy trying to sort out my comic collection (which takes a lot longer than you might think, been doing it 6 hours a day, everyday, for the past 2 months and Im only about halfway through the comics, and its going to take longer now as I've eliminated the major series and are moving into limited series and One Shots) so I've had little time to play much of anything on top of working.

I've dabbled in Torchlight 2, Dont Starve Together, and Minecraft in the past week, but nothing major.
Right now I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei, the first one, for SNES. I wanted some RPG that I could emulate on my phone and that would be serious, not your typical "unlikely hero saves the world with magic and has a ton of fun doing so" JRPG. This really delivered. It is pretty serious, and even though the writing could be better, it tackles serious things pretty nicely. It can be really hard though, and without walkthru for character building and savestates I probably would have thrown the game out of the window. It likes to be really grindy and unfair sometimes.
I am playing an oldie, but still a great game. Age of Empires 3. Playing through the campaign for the first time actually, I always used to just play deathmatch. I am really enjoying the home city integration.

I also picked up Prison Architect on the Steam sale, and will be playing that one soon.
I found almost all RPGs work better on handhelds.
True! Having the capacity to play while in transit is the best, I've found because my commute is loooong so playing a game I enjoy is a guaranteed way to pass the time.
Been playing FIFA (regular) but nowadays I'm playing more CS:GO. I also downloaded War Frame yesterday (free game on steam) and it's looking to be quite an enjoyable game. The start is very noob friendly which means you'll get into it quite quick. Just hope it's not one of those free to play games that go pay to win mode.
Currently I'm playing Dying Light and it's a okay game, but could've been way better. And I've been playing Battlefield: Hardline Beta for the last week, and it's been fun playing cops and robbers! Also, Dragon Age: Inquistion, was an okay game overall because it gets repetitive after awhile and it is not as dynamic as other similar games.
For the last couple of days I've been playing Stalker CoP. I've finished SoC a couple of weeks ago and was craving for more so CoP came as natural choice. Before that I was playing FNV and Skyrim but I just got burnt out/bored (didn't finish them and I doubt I will, although I'll probably come back to enjoy the exploration part of those games).
Currently playing RE Remastered almost daily with the small dose of USF4 and DOA5U on the side. The RE remake was one of my favorites games on the GameCube back in the day and this re-release on newer consoles had me excited to replay it ever since it got announced. While there's some areas that leaves much to be desired graphically, the game remains outstanding for me. Can't stop playing it.
Kick and Fennick has gotten most of my time since it launched on PS+ the other day. It's not a bad little game.