What attracted you to MyGamer?


Active Member
Dec 6, 2005
Toronto, Canada
As I mentioned in the Age thread, I've noticed that the intelligence level on this forum seems quite a bit higher than on other gaming forums I've read.

I'm curious to know what attracted you here. Why has this community garnered the brighter ones, while others are left with the tween, 1337-speakers? What makes the difference for you?
This may not really answer the question you're asking but I came here through a serch for industry journalism work. Obviously I like it here, as my one-year anniversary is coming up in a few months.

MyGamer is still fairly small, so we tend to draw the people that actively look for us. As the site grows, you can probably expect to see more of the people you're talking about. I don't know if the tone we set now will continue as the membership continues to expand, but I sure hope so. I think the effect you're seeing can be attributed to the fact that a large proportion of the forum regulars are also staff, and the staff at MyGamer is singularly brilliant, the lot of 'em.
I, too, hope the tone stays the same and the site continues to attract more mature gamers. It's a comfortable environment to hang out and chat about whatever comes to mind. Personally, I think that we're a lucky community in that regard, and that we should try to keep it that way. Work to attract the older gaming demographic. The college student or career person.

I was also attracted to the site by the prospect of writing in the industry (I'm currently playing the game I plan to review for my submission). But what's keeping me an active part of the community is the sheer lack of threads entitled: "Who think Prnsess Zeldas hot!?!?!?!". I have seen forum Hell, and that was its name.
Most of us "telecommute". Actually, I guess all of us do, depending on where you consider the home "office" to be. The ncie thing about that is that we have people all over the country to cover different events; for example, I was able to hop down to NYC for a Namco show this year, and our staff on the West coast will have an easier time getting to E3 '06 than others of us.

Now, the unfortunate thing about our forums is that if we only gain the mature readership, we'll always be really really small.
I was initially drawn here by a friend (asylum), but the reason I'm staying is because, like Basil, the intelligence of the writers really shines. It isn't shallow blabbering. You guys have fun, have educated opinions, and relevant info. Other sites have too much fluff and childish bickering.

You guys rock.
I guess like many, I came here for some research when I was thinking about applying for a job. I thought the people here were cool so I planned to stay whether I got the job or not. I do wish we had more active members though. Nothing big, just around 50 people or so would be be cool for now.
BCampbell said:
Most of us "telecommute". Actually, I guess all of us do, depending on where you consider the home "office" to be. The ncie thing about that is that we have people all over the country to cover different events; for example, I was able to hop down to NYC for a Namco show this year, and our staff on the West coast will have an easier time getting to E3 '06 than others of us.

Now, the unfortunate thing about our forums is that if we only gain the mature readership, we'll always be really really small.
Are there any international staff members as of yet?

I'm not so sure that it has to remain small to keep it mature. There are a lot of 18+ gamers out there. I think we don't see as many of them on the other forums out there because of all the fluff. If we present a mature, intelligent community, it will attract mature, intelligent people.
I joined because the voices in my head made me do it. They taunted me, pointed at me, made me feel ashamed I wasnt a member...
basilmunroe said:
Um, hi Stan. Apparently you're evil. That's cool, I guess. Want a sandwich?

I guess it all depends on whether it is peanut butter and jelly or not..

Sorta looks like a Sleestak from Land Of The Lost!!! I fear you...