top 10 member names


Active Member
Jun 23, 2005
Da Hood, Beeyatch
10: Stan
Stan the man who eats spam which is a living imitation of ham, last year he joined the clan, I believe he's allergic to clams, or is that yams, The king when it comes to nba jam, piss him off and he'll give you a body slam.

Ten bucks says thats his name.
2: SaintBastard
We may butt heads when it comes to the great and almighty final fantasy, *all bow to the mighty squenix* but originality and hating halo will get you far in my book. excuse me I have to go sacrifice a virgen to my shrine of cloud strife.
1: kurruption
reckonize bitches
"mirror mirror on the wall who is the top dog of them all
there was a rubble dubble five minutes it lasted"
"you are you concieted bastard"
How odd, you'd think that power alone would raise me to the top ranking on this thread.

Damn, people, you'll never make it in this world until you learn how to effectively brown nose the boss.

I rule, oh yes, it is so.
yeah who are and is that really your picture, and saintbastard, you could of done whatever in your power you still would be number 2, now excuse me while I go snuggle in my cait sith pillow with my moogle and chocobo blanky