Things That Rock

Dukes of Hazzard, now that rocks.........couldn't sleep last night<Pain> i watched 2 hours....OH, the good old days!!!!
That hummer commercial with the godzilla lizard and giant robot, who have the baby hummer together in the ruins of a city rocks. Also, while slightly old, the Pepsi 'I'm Spartacus' commercial was ROCK as well. rocks, especially top 100

<kow`> "There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't."
<SpaceRain> That's only 2 types of people, kow.
<SpaceRain> STUPID
Dreams where you somehow realize it's only a dream rock, and the realization itself allows you to break the rules of that dream. It's like The Matrix then.
breakfast burritos rock

I finally saw Shaolin Soccer, that movie totally rocked. Except they were brutal to that girl. They kept messing her face up. It was funny, but damn did they make her look ugly.