The Greatest Thread in the WORLD

Halo is great stuff...

Sure....Game of the year it isn't...but...still great stuff.

Mr RE Peterson did kinda sell Halo 2 short though. 8 on graphics? I would've given it a 10. But I would've given sound an 8...but i would've given curve a if I reviewed it it would've just gotten a 9/10 instead of an 8.8....but I don't care!
I like where I think you were going with your post Action.

This is not the greatest thread in the is just a tribute. Couldn't remember the greatest thread in the world. No, no. This is just a tribute. You gotta believe me, and I wish you were there. Just a matter of opinion.
screw that, the greatest thread in the world is the one and only kurruptions rants, I challenge any thread to try and overshadow it's greatness, even the mighty hey guys thread, kneels down and kisses the pinky ring of kurruption rants, rekonize bitches
jealous of what? pointless ranting that defies any attempts to understand it? Right...

well maybe a little
exactly, see katie, when you are trying to be really smart and outshine us with your said brilliance, ghost and I go on a rant about taters and sweaters, no matter how smart you are, you will never have as big a following as us, and that is why you're jealous, that and my amazing good looks
and still they are fat and balding, what we have is not really a following it's more like people praying in our names and believing or should I say knowing we're gods, why just the other day somebody told me my face appeared in a tortilla in Mexico :slaphappy
You are such a liar. I had one of my stalkers tail you and he reported no followers of any kind. He also mentioned that you muttered to yourself a lot and seemed to be giving orders to invisible friends. I'd suggest you get help, but you're more intersting just as you are.