Star Wars - no spoilers


Supp. Editor/Admin
k i'm going to see star wars tonight with the mentality of my signature...

it's actually a philosophy that i invented as a direct result of the phenomenon surrounding episode 1... everyone was so hyped to see the movie...and there was so much excitement and nerdiness.

my friends and i got let out of band early to go see it. i mean like high school band. our teacher actually let us go cause she was such a nerd too.

then the movie had jar jar binks in it and just turned out to be a regular movie. god didnt come out of the screen and personally say hi to everyone. nothing wonderous happened at all. in fact the acting sucked. but that would have been more forgiveable, i think...if we hadn't set our standards so high.

and so for the rest of my life i have adopted this philosophy. i try not to get excited about anything ahead of time...cause i just get let down. its sort of a depressing way to think, i guess, but it is a cautionary one.

i'll post again later with what i thought of the movie, but i wont spoil anything.
I saw it yesterday. There's a small independent theater right up the road from me, and it shut down last year. It just reopened Wednesday, and the guy who owns it did a lot of the work... he cleaned the screens himself (7 of them), painted the floors, dod a lit of cleanup. He was working there too, taking the tickets. We got to chat with him a while, it was cool because i really like the theater, they have lower prices than Regal and I can walk there.

Anyway, I think I saw the millenium falcon early on in the movie. I have to watch again to make sure.
i really enjoyed it.

the movie was possibly a bit long, especially towards the end.. i realize there was a LOT to try and wrap up, and actually, about half way through the movie i was not sure how on earth they were going to tell all the story that remained. but they did.

i enjoyed being able to piece together the early phases of the familiar characters' lives who we have known for so long from episodes 4-6. that was my favorite aspect of the movie. characters such as R2 were really fleshed out a lot more, making me appreciate them all the more for their roles in future movies.

it was a tragedy, as we all expect, so watching the movie is a bit like watching a train wreck, but tragedies always seem to make interesting tales. and this is a true tragedy by the way. i hate when people say it was a tragedy that someone died because something random happened to them like they were struck by lightning or hit by a drunk driver. a tragedy, by definition, is when a character flaw by a person drives them to do something horrible. for example, turn to the darkside. nobody MADE him do it, it was something inside himself..a weakness.

i recommend seeing the movie, but i sure would have been dissapointed if i'd waited 6 weeks outside the theater.

and i didnt see the falcon, but i probably missed it
any thoughts on the dialogue, I cringed when I heard the classic "Anakin, you're breaking my heart" come on who really talks like this?
Yeah, Lucas cannot right dialogue for women. My boyfriend is now threatening to quote from the movie if I ever take him to a crappy romantic comedy. Specifically, "Anakin just hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo before there was a war..." etc etc.

By the way I saw the Falcon too. It's totally there, or at least a ship of the same class.
some of the dialogue was less than stellar, but mostly coming from natalie portman. and the wookies.

i couldn't help but think of star wars christmas special when they showed the wookie village...and in the last scene with the two wookies...where there was unknown dialogue between them as they said goodbye to someone...oh my god i almost laughed.

has anyone seen the christmas special? if anyone has a LINK to download i would love to see it again. it's hilarious and a serious marr on the star wars universe.

i guess none of the dialogue really surprised me. yoda maybe talked a little too yoda-ish. i understand that that's his recognizable 'thing', but he is supposed to be all powerful and super smart. what is his native language? the rearrangement of the sentence structure kind of started to get old to me.

and c3p0 in general...his dialogue was definitely in character but he never really said anything funny.

palpatine was good, but some of his speaking scenes were even a bit long. i guess everything is forgivable though cause the movie required a lot of exposition.
another thing about the princess. remember in the first movie? she was hardcore...with her outfits and stuff...intimidating. now she is everybody's buddy, and a totally different character. she wears simple clothing at best...and nighties the rest of the time. which really, just isnt fitting of her character that we met in episode one.

she seems to be diminished to the point of insult. and maybe that is supposed to go along with certain plot elements but it didnt really seem to. it just doesnt fit and she became a helpless, needy weakling in my fiance's eyes, and mine too once she pointed it out.
I don't know, I thought yoda and r2d2 were the comedic relief, I especially enjoyed when yoda was fighting and said something like "not if anything about it I have to do" and when all those droids came up to capture r2, then he zapped one with that taser like contraption, and recieved a nice healthy kick in return.

Also I believe it was Natalie Portman who said in an interview "Well it's not Shakespeare"
I agree. They totally weakened Padme. I was rather pissed.

If you read the book for Episode 1 (which is way better than the movie 'cause little Annie is more sinister) there are hints that Padme will actually lead an army against Vader. That would have been awesome.
yeah, it looked like padame converted to some religion where she gives up all her belongings. Oh but those rooms she stayed in where pretty sweet, no Motel 6 for her
Something else that bothered me were the Wookies. I mean I love Wookies as much as the next person, but they were so unnecessary to the plot. It felt like Lucas was pandering. That and the bit at the end about Qui-Gon, more pandering. I really could have done with out it. It seemed so forced and extraneous.
ya r2d2 was awesome. i felt like he was the most fleshed out character. you really appreciate him in later episodes...cause of all the things he's been through and remembered. he really has character. and of course the same with vader, that had to be hard to do. to go from a boy into a sinister force that has been taken by the public and everyone can relate to...and show how you go from one to the other without it looking stupid.

or as conan said "we will see how anakin goes from being a little white boy and turns into james earl jones" or something like that
the part about qai-gon made me think "okay, cool. THAT's why obi wan goes to tatooine. and THAT' s what he was doing for all those years by himself. somehow, he had to be wrapped up.

and i agree with the wookies. it was unnecessary to the plot. but at least we got to be introduced to chewie, even if BARELY. would be neat to see han solo as a youngster too...i kinda wish they were making an episode 3.5
I thought the stuff about Qui-Gon was the low point of the movie. I'm sorry but disappearing bodies and ghosts don't need to be explained. They're Jedi and it's the Force, mysterious stuff happens. Lucas is explaining things that don't need explaining. Like Midi-Chlorians.
I just saw it yesterday. Yeah, I know I'm way behind the rest of existence. I walked out of it fairly disappointed. Lucas created some great ideas, but he has turned out to be a very average storyteller. He had too much to tell and the story suffered for it. The thing that bothered me the most was General Grievous. If you ever get a chance to see the Clone Wars animated episodes, do so. GG was such a badass in the series that I couldn't wait to see him on the big screen. Well, long story not so long, I was extremely disappointed in the way they portrayed him, and that may have affected some of my feelings on the rest of the movie. I should probably see it again, and just try and ignore that aspect.
i never saw the cartoons but i thought he was awesome in the movie. not so much his actions but his character design...a humanoid who has completely been turned into a machine save for some vital organs... in essence an ill robot. he looked pretty cool, his movements were neat.

but then again this is my first impression. i understand what it's like to have something you love be appreciated by an audience who doesn't understand the earlier stages of is similar to jealousy. and i'm not cutting you down for that. i know exactly how you feel.

my favorite band, modest mouse... i have been a huge fan for years. they started out in 1993 and had a popular hit last spring. they were all over the radio and i almost felt ashamed to tell people i was a modest mouse fan because i didnt want them to think i just liked their single, "float on"
His character design was pretty much identical in the animated series. He was just much more of a badass fighter. Not the coward they call him in the movie.
