Solve the riddles.

Since the joke thread isn't that much of a hit, I thought I'd try the riddle one again. Here's two:

1- This is a most unusual paragraph. How quickly can you find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so ordinary you'd think nothing was wrong with it - and in fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is unusual though. Why? Study it, think about it, and you may find out. Try to do it without coaching. If you work at it for a bit it will dawn on you. So jump to it and try your skill at figuring it out. Good luck - don't blow your cool!

2- What relation would your father's sister's sister-in-law be to you?
:worried: Got 'em both.

1.- Which word in the English language becomes shorter when it is lengthened?

2.- Look at me.
I can bring a smile to your face,
A tear to your eye,
Or even a thought to your mind.
But, I can't be seen.
What am I?

3.- I am sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but I am nobody's fool.
For there is no language that I cannot speak, though I never went to school.
What am I?
1 & 2 were right. You were close on the 3rd, its an echo.

Man BC you pounce on these riddles quick. I thought they were easy, but not exactly that easy. Okay this is the last one for a little bit. Its one of my favorites, its old but maybe a few haven't heard it.
I thought people would reply more to the joke and riddle threads since it can be very dead here at times. Anyone can feel free to add there own riddles you know. Anyway . . .

Three friends check into a motel for the night and the clerk tells them the bill is $30, payable in advance. So, they each pay the clerk $10 and go to their room. A few minutes later, the clerk realizes he has made an error and overcharged the trio by $5. He asks the bellhop to return $5 to the 3 friends who had just checked in. The bellhop sees this as an opportunity to make $2 as he reasons that the three friends would have a tough time dividing $5 evenly among them; so he decides to tell them that the clerk made a mistake of only $3, giving a dollar back to each of the friends. He pockets the leftover $2 and goes home for the day! Now, each of the three friends gets a dollar back, thus they each paid $9 for the room which is a total of $27 for the night. We know the bellhop pocketed $2 and adding that to the $27, you get $29, not $30 which was originally spent. Where did the extra dollar go?
GhostToast said:
They didn't pay 27 dollars for the room. They paid 25 and ended up giving the bell-hop an undeserved 2 dollar tip, which adds up to 27...that plus the 3 dollars they got back totals 30

You're really close but technically wrong. They DID pay $27. They paid $10 initially and each got $1 back. Keep working though, you're really close.
That isnt a riddle. 25 of the dollars are with the clerk, 2 are with the doorboy and 3 are with the 3 people!
This one is a lot better to actually tell to people rather than to read and try to figure out.

Spudly's answer kind of avoids the question; how can you reconcile the fact that each person paid $9 ($27 total) but only another $2 can be accounted for?

The answer is that the math is being done improperly. Yes, the guests paid $27. Now, to that you have to add the $5 given to the bellhop by the clerk, bringing it to $32, and subtract the $2 the bellhop pocketed. That leaves us with the original $30.
Yeah, math. I used to be good at that. Not so much anymore. I do like riddles, but I don't think I am very good at them.