Revolution Graphics?

In all seriously I don't care right now about the Reveloution. Why? Cause Nintendo does not care about telling me about it. When it comes to Nintendo I do not put much stock into graphics or specs cause Majority of the Gamecube games did not take real good use of its graphics capabilities to begin with. Gamecube was the 2nd most powerful (graphics wise) console next to the Xbox. I almost have to agree with cuinneas here. When it comes to Nintendo, graphics had not really determined the quality of their games. And I will doubt that the Reveloution not being as powerful as the ps3 or 360 is going to change that.
I already have a lump sum of monies set aside for the revolution. This makes me happy! Now about graphics... Thanks for givin' me props Hank.
ehh im not that big into consoles. I would not have an xbox now if someone did not buy it for me. Even then I modded the thing. No I don't think I will be buying the revolution. But hey that does not mean I won'c come to one of you guys house and play it!
I don't have any money set aside for it or anything, but I'm definitely getting one. I MAY put money aside once they announce a solid release date, but right now, I've got bigger fish to fry, such as a wedding.
it is kinda hard for me to get excited about it too. They may have released little info about it because they aren't sure of some things. If they were going to wait for Sony to release the PS3, so they could get the benefit of saying "Hey guys! Ours is good too and costs the same amount as two of their games!", they may be waiting a while.
Darth_Jonas said:
it is kinda hard for me to get excited about it too. They may have released little info about it because they aren't sure of some things. If they were going to wait for Sony to release the PS3, so they could get the benefit of saying "Hey guys! Ours is good too and costs the same amount as two of their games!", they may be waiting a while.

Actually, Nintendo has a definitive launch area...being May through Thanksgiving.
The video looked pretty much like GCN capabilities... which is a bit disappointing. I'm hoping that was made using non-final dev units. Nintendo has said that Revolution should have roughly twice the power of a GCN. So I'm just imagining RE4 x 2 for a reference of what games could look like late into the console's life, which sounds pretty sweet.
Yeah, really, just because the graphics are 2x as good doesn't mean they'll even be noticably better. Really, for the graphics to be even NOTICABLY better than the Cube, it'd probably need to be 10-15x better.