Post Your Petty Quarrels Here

You know, I've never heard my fiancee say anything like that. He's usually too busy cooking dinner for me. I swear he loves nothing more than pouring over cookbooks and slaving over a hot stove.
My quarrel would be with Spuds and his inablitlity to look at Halo 2 statistics....Now it is known i do get owned by alotttttttttt of Modders.....But in deathmatch, Spuds, you'd be me and Jonas' little B*tch the whole match.....haaha......i just keep going and going and going
I have a quarrel with the Madden 2007 news post...

Couldn't you have said "NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks" instead of "Super Bowl losing?" I mean it is just a nicer way to say the same thing. :(
asylum_boy said:
My quarrel would be with Spuds and his inablitlity to look at Halo 2 statistics....Now it is known i do get owned by alotttttttttt of Modders.....But in deathmatch, Spuds, you'd be me and Jonas' little B*tch the whole match.....haaha......i just keep going and going and going
Oh, like bloody hell you would! You know what Asy? IT IS

hehe. ahem. hm. let's not do that again.

I'm not a huge fan of my country on the best of days. But, on the worst of days, it's a better place to live than most other places.

In other news: poop is smelly.