New to the block

Wow, wijg. That last post was scarier than usual for you.

Should I congratulate you or flee in terror?
I take no responsibility for my actions. All of my posts somehow derive from Family Guy quotes. The scary one on the last page is no different. I like the idea of being scary though. Like Batman. Or Snake.

"Yes, I rather like Snake. Snake Griffin(flicks his toungue out)."

Also, I try to corrupt the youth of America. And Australia. But not those freeloading Canadians.

"Canada sucks."

"Oh and one more thing..." Booyah. I got my avatar back. (Tries to do some badass dance but only ends up falling down)
Ghost, I'll post what I did in the help with avatar topic in the mygamer support forum.

"Attention customers: testicles. That is all."
wijg said:
Ghost, I'll post what I did in the help with avatar topic in the mygamer support forum.

"Attention customers: testicles. That is all."
I sitll can't put my avatar on.. Lol I went to edit avatar and I can not unselect the thing that says Do not use an avatar. I suck..
Andre and Kurruption, you all should not suck anymore. Avatar capabilities should be active. Of course, the uberbossman could be lying to me. People like to lie to me. I guess I'm just a "fool in the rain."