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on that topic, what do all keyword "ALL" members think about this, as far as most posts being quantity over quality, hell I admit 75% of mine are.
I think in the end it is more important for the quality of your posts to win out. However, having a lot of posts doesn't mean that all of them are bad. There can be some balance between the two.
no offense was taken, first post was a joke as well, but I'm curious to know what people really think of this, on that, good response wijg
OK my post suck too
BUT do you think I have the time and energy to think of good, interesting, or meaningful things to say???
do you ???

arousing your interest isn't my job hehe :r:
Yet you do that so well, demi. Despite your lack of thinking. However, my signature relates my feelings on such an activity.
You gotta go with quality. I mean, look at this post that I just wrote right now. It's just brimming with wicked incitefullness.
One of these days, I shall master the art of smilies as so many other posters have. Maybe then I shall move into the upper echelons of the forum's hierarchy. And from there, THE WORLD. MWUHAHAAA. (cough, cough). Sorry. A little bit of a cold there.