making a forum

GhostToast said:
seriously. anybody ever notice where the signs are about shoplifting? in the ethnic haircare section. at least in the walmart by me.

I don't go to Wal-Mart that much, but if thats true thats messed up. You'd think they could be a bit sneekier about it. I guess on top of allegedly being prejudice, they're lazy too.
Actually, I do just fine without Walmart. One showed up in the area only this year and I am proud to say I have never set foot in it.
ya but you live on the east coast where other stores still exist. out here, walmart shuts down those places. walmart started out in rural areas and is just now moving into bigger areas such as actual cities. they wont have as much effect there because people dont have to drive far to get to a local place in the city. or even drive at all.