Games that deserve a sequel


New Member
May 5, 2006
It seems like nearly every new game is either a sequel or part of an established franchise. It's understandable, establishing a new intellectual property can be a huge financial risk. However, some of these original titles are amongst the best out there. This is why today we honor those shining stars that stood alone, never to become part of an established franchise in our list of the top games we think deserve a sequel. To keep things simple, we narrowed it down to games that never saw a sequel, or a prequel, in any form. We've even included suggested titles for the sequels that we think will give the games that extra something to ensure they sell.

What games would you add to this list?

Thats easy. The Legend of Dragoon. It was on the original Playstation.
I would also say Mercenaries, but its already getting a sequel.
I'd like to see another Deus Ex game. The second game really left the series wide open for another installment. I wonder what Warren Spector is working on right now.
Planescape Torment definitely!

Wasn't there a sequel for Beyond Good and Evil in the works? I vaguely seem to remember reading something about it. IIRC they were going to start on it after they had finished the King Kong game.
There are tons of good games out there that should be recreated. Im just happy playing some of the old school games that have been amped up a bit. Devil May Cry has to be my fav series though, keep em comin'