first commerical for wii....well sort of


New Member
Apr 26, 2006
i was watching t.v. and i saw a commerical for " the ant bully:the game" and as i looked on what games it was going to be on, i knew it was going to be gamecube, playstation, and on and on, but in the top corner...was Wii.

im glad that Wii is starting to show its face on games, (even if its a movie game) im still happy for Nintendo to show that there system is comming, and i want one......but i dont want "the ant bully"
Yeah...that only goes so far...

If Nintendo is smart, come September, you won't be able to watch a block of commercials without seeing Red Steel and Metroid Prime 3.
Red Steel and Metroid Prime 3 will make your stereotypical Madden-and-Halo/GTA people become interested in the Wii. Zelda won't do it as well. Though they should advertise that one too.
I agree with Spuds, (for once). However, I think that they should focus heavily on the kind of advertizing they've already done, displays of muli-generational fun. Don't neglect the core gamers and the current casuals, so ads for metroid and steel, zelda and mario, but also play up wii sports and whatnot.
Yeah, but the thing is if they can't get the people who are gamers, then they definitely won't pick up a bunch of old people who are not gamers. They should try and pick up the people they lost with the Cube. THEN they'll be on to something.

That was the problem with the "Who Are You?" ad campaign. They made a strong commercial and tried to show "hey, the Cube isn't for kids!" by piling together Ultimate Spiderman, Geist and Battallion Wars...but it flopped. So if they try and show that " NINTENDO WII DEFINITELY ISN'T A KIDDY CONSOLE!!!!" then they'll be on to something.
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I hope Nintendo has brought in some new blood in their marketing dept.

What they have to do to sell Wii to all the markets they want to will be difficult. They are trying to take a product that is viewed so many different ways by so many different groups and sell it to all of them. Core gamers think nintendo=kiddy games (with the occasional worth-while title), adults and seniors think nintendo=brain-rot-box/time-sink.

It's going to be difficult selling it to the core gamers without totally alienating the adults and seniors, and vice-versa.

I think the BEST way to sell Wii is atually to downplay the game content and play up the game-play. Remember the first video that was released? Didn't show a single screen, just the gamers, young and old alike. I'm not suggesting that they don't show any game content at all, obviously, but if they really want it to be generationally universal, they need to sell it like any other generationally universal product.

Let's look at another product that plays media -- the iPod. What do the ads focus on? Design, the physical design of the product. The music is in the background and they have many ads with a variety of music styles. The iPod has become an icon because of its design. So much so that all you need is to see the earbuds to recognize the product. The Wii-mote has icon potential. They need to use that. Make people want one no matter what the content is. Then start showing some content, and making every ad span the full gamut of content, showing the core gamer stuff as well as the casual stuff as well as the mind enriching stuff.

I can see a tv ad that goes something like this: Attractive woman walking down the street, stops, notices wii-mote on pavement. Picks it up examines it (close-ups galore), presses the power button, is enthralled by what happens and how the thing works. She runs to someone else, a young kid, say, and the kid marvels at the design of the thing, then has a blast playing with it too, then he gives it to his older brother, who plays something hardcore, and then has a bunch of teenage friends over, and they all play something that looks fun. Grandma and Grandpa come in and start playing too.

Key: each transition from person to person will hilight the design of the wii-mote. Also, the crossing from teenager, to group of teens to teens with seniors will display to core gamers that their needs will be satisfied, plus they'll have something to do with girls when they get together (important), plus this is a console that gran and gramps will approve of, and so mom and dad will be cool with it too.
I think you may be on to something there...

If they ran the different appeals on different channels, different shows, etc. that could work. Hook up Naruto with Legend of Zelda commercials, Adult Swim, G4 and ESPN with the Red Steel/Prime 3, and whatever the hell it is old people watch...Desperate Housewives?

I dunno. Ultimately, though, it's probable that Nintendo will screw it up again somehow.
I dunno. The Wii website looks pretty good. The imagery is pretty universal.

What you're suggesting might be good to do in addition to what I've suggested.

Target demographics (by pairing ads with certain channels and shows) and show a representative of that demo. finding a wii-mote lying about, and then pressing the power button, etc.

I'd start with all the individual ads, on all the targetted, demo. specific stations, then I'd run a couple of ads like the one I described on all of the stations, to catch everybody.

So first, you suggest to a group that this product is unique, sexy, and designed for that specific group, (each group is told this individually), then you tell them all that it's good for everyone.
Yeah, that'd kick ass.

I remember the PS1 advertising campaign, and it was targetted towards 18-20. Which worked nicely, quite obviously. I mean, if you were 12 you wanted to be 19. If you were 25, you wanted to be 19.

But yeah, Nintendo is tasked with showing EVERYONE that the console would work for them.
Yeah. But no matter what, everyone can agree that the Wii's success ENTIRELY pivots on Nintendo's marketing team coming out swinging a sword, bat and a few guns right at launch.
I would not say that really. They will not get the ROYAL screw job..........maybe in america. But We Loyal fans will be their to support. Thing is Riggie may come up with some crazy idea to market the Wii. But look at it like this MS an Sony's whole thing is HD everything is HD. HD this and HD that. HD is really not that great. But then HD is being blasted on a brad market from TV to DVD to radio even air..............I heard some company is making High Def Air with atoms of 03
I've said this many times. Reggie is just some guy who they put on stage. He actually makes NO business decisions and has NO influence in the game making. I'd kick back and play Starcraft or Halo with him, cool guy, but of no real importance in the gaming industry. But yeah...Nintendo needs to be brilliant with marketing.

And HD is great.