Comix anyone?


Future Emperor
Nov 16, 2005
right behind you
Recent posts have pointed out that many of us gamers are also comic book fans. Personally I have a pretty big collection. Of course the same imaginitive mentalities that enjoy the fantasy realm of games and movies should naturally enjoy comix.

So tell me, who are the comic book lovers and what's your poison?
Archie......hehe.....No, really, i'd have to go with Justice League of America and........I'm trying to remember the name......Man, am i having a brain fart......Where a different DC character would face off against another member of a faction each issue............I Need Help with this one...'cause i gave all of them to my brother a long time ago
I was always a big, big Marvel guy, but I just totally dropped off after the whole Heroes Reborn thing, then I just got pissed at all the changes they made to the characters in the Ultimate ones.
Yeah, I stopped reading for a few years and I tried to get back into the Marvel comics, but I couldn't tell why in the hell they were retelling old stories with a twist. Did they run out of ideas or was there something more to it? Anyway I'm a die hard Marvel fan. I could never get into DC. Their regular storylines aren't very good IMO. The only time DC comics get good is when they have some huge, character altering experience.
The only DC character that I ever really followed was Batman. I have others, but he was the one that held any interest for me. I followed Spawn for a long time and have most of the first 50 issues and many more afterwards. The storyline never really advanced, though, so I stopped caring. Wolverine is the main man, then the xmen. I have tons of others. My main problem was always when a good artist/writer would get me interested in a particular character or team, and then Marvel brings in Willie Bobo who dropped out of middle school and still draws with crayons. I would then drop the title and move on until it got good again. I still try to keep track of what's going on, though.
My cousin got me into comics for a bit in middle school. He introduced me to Spawn. I have Spawn 1-60 something except for one issue around 21. There was this stretch where the comics came out in the wrong order and I swear they skipped one issue. Everytime I would get a subscription for Spawn, the comic shop would go out of business. Finally I just stopped putting forth the effort of finding new comic shops. I still do like comic book heroes, I just don't really follow any comics. However, I love the animated Justice League and Teen Titans series. I didn't know too much about DC beyond Batman and Superman, and these shows have piqued my interest much more. Kevin Conroy IS Batman and Michael Rosenbaum IS the Flash.
I buy the paperback collections at the major bookstores. I read mostly Batman, Spider-Man, JLA, and X-Men. However, I buy the Ultimate lines because I can really enjoy them and not have to worry about decades of backstory. Also I buy the Star Wars comics. Gotta have Rogue Squadron!
Wow OK here goes.

Identity Crisis was the shit, the story fueled the total domination of the industry by DC, something never thought possible.
Infinite Crisis seemed hohum, until superboy snapped and starting maiming people and ripping their heads off.
Xmen Deadly Genesis is the best Xmen story out, even better than Josh Whedons.
The current Ultimates arc is insane, can't wait till Loeb and Mad take over.
Spiderman the Other blew balls and the new outfit is a piece of shit, FUCK YOU MARVEL, but only a little bit.
Civil war seems to be something worth looking forward to, and DC better not fuck up the 1year later arcs.
Young Avengers and Runaways are the best ongoing books out right now.
There is a lot more I can say, but I'll leave at that.
kwilson said:
Gotta have Rogue Squadron!

I read some of the novels, but I haven't read the comics. The novels were very entertaining though. We need a new X-Wing game. My parents still have our 10 year old Mac at home and it still has X-Wing loaded on there.
The comics are by the same author and they have a lot of the same characters. I highly recommend you check them out. In fact demand for more of them was so high that they recently came out with a Rogue Leader story arc. Luke, Wedge, and Tycho's adventures on Corellia. Good stuff, although I the drawing was such that I though Wedge was Han half the time. All Correlians dress alike.
We just started up a new Montly Comics Featured Article:

Take a gander and tell us what you think or what you would like see from it....I'm thinking more Thundercats coverage would be the shiznit
I'm a long time comics collector... well at least for people I assume are the demographic of this site. I'm talking I got the first appearance of Venom when it first came out. Heck, it was in a loot-bag for a birthday I went to.

I saw the rise of comics in the 90s (due to deaths galore, variant covers, etc, etc), where everyone had a copy or 2 or 3 of X-Men number one. The advent of Image (where art reigned over story, and everyone had a copy of Spawn #1) still stands out as important for giving creators more rights. I stuck with Spidey through the clone saga (and it wasn't easy, let me tell you).

I saw the rise and fall of CrossGen, where produced comics that were ACTUALLY GOOD... yet, no one bothered to buy them. I paid my $1 per year to read them all online, which would have been a good model for them if I also bought the paper comics.

If it's a groundbreaking or kick @$$ story I've read it (Watchmen, MAUS, 300, each of the Sin City - when it was just a series to rebel AGAINST Hollywood - Dark knight Returns, Squadron Supreme, Kingdom Come, Marvels, Transmetropolitan, Preacher, Sandman, V for Vendetta, the ORIGINAL Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comics - awesome violence).

I love the reimagining of the Marvel Characters in the Ultimates stories. How else to make it more accessible to new readers and kids, of which the industry has been constantly alienating by having long overbearing story arcs (the X-Traitor... how long was THAT storyline?). Ok, the Ultimates (ultimatized Avengers) comics aren't for kids, but at least they're kick @$$.

Indenty Crisis was well written, and Infinite Crisis had issue #4 ("Come on you mother..."), but 52 is just a massive cash grab (52 issues over 52 weeks, each at $2.95US a pop).

And I do remember my gleeful reaction to the return of Transformers in comics form. How wonderfully drawn they were... initially. And how cool it was to see all the originals. But you know... non of the 80s redone comics have a decent story. They're all told very poorly, and for this, I haven't bought any in a few years. Yes, even the Thundercats comics.

And here ends a comics rant. Begin discussion mode.

I've heard good things about them Star Wars comics. I really liked the "Tag and Bink" (I think they're called) comics, and each of the Boba Fett series they've released in the past while. If you know someone who's into Star Wars, them Rogue Squadron ones come highly recommended.
I don't really read that many mainstream comics anymore, asside from spider-man whenever Humberto Ramos is doing the art. I mostly read obscure graphic novels from indy artist and sometimes TPB's of Batgirl back when Damion Scott was on it. And Blade of the Immortal, the best samurai comic ever!

I highly recommend the scott pilgrim series for us gamer type people

Sharknife, Escalator, and random manga. Somewhere in my room, there's an unread copy of the Samurai Champloo manga

I got into x-men really heavily back in the 90's when Joe Mad still did comics, right before the age of apocolypse and i stayed with it until Joe quit. after that i started slowly loosing my interest in marvel and leaning more towards DC because of the awesome Bat-titles. I also bought the hard back copy of Identity Crisis, which solidified my marvel to dc conversion.

let's see, what else... before identity crisis i read the TPB of Origins, where they reveal wolverine's um...origin. It was ok, but I was expecting it to be more epic.
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A buddy of mine is going to comic-con this week, and will be sending me pics while he is there for us to use on the site:)

I used to own a Comic Book store:

Critical Comics..
I went to comic-con in 2001. It's a life changing experience. Quite epic in itself. My only regret is I went from the first day of the con to the last day, and since the con more or less occupies your time from when you wake up to when you sleep, I didn't get to enjoy the city.

In 2007 I shall return to San Diego and arrive 5 days early such that I can enjoy the city. One of my university roommates is working in San D now, so I'll be chillin' at his place. It shall be an awesome time.

I shall address one thing about Identity Crisis, but try to avoid spoiling it: Who cares about the characters who died? Seriously? I know that they tried to explain the significance in Infinite Crisis and in the 52 backup stories, but really, I think they were just trying to rationalize what happenned once they realized the fan base didn't care about these characters.

Mind you, it was a decently done story, however, I'm liking what they're doing with Civil War a lot more. It's definitely a story you can think about and talk about. I mean, what do you think about people with superpowers going around unregulated? Heck, you need a license to drive a taxi.

And I'm not talking about Mutants here, that's a different issue. Mutants can't CHOOSE to have their powers... and sure, maybe some super-powered people are accidental and can't have their powers removed... but what about Iron Man? He can choose not to fly a massive tank like machine, but should he be allowed to unregulated?
As far as comic book variety and depth of collection goes, I think Stan wins. (even though mine can go up against most people's and still be more valuable). I was never much for the indy comix, but I was all about finding back-issues of the ones I liked. Even though I can't bring myself to like the Ultimates stories, I do respect what Marvel is trying to do, and that is to make the old stories revelant to today's market. The stories and art in most of the old comics are down-right corny to me today (and blaming it on the limitations of printing techniques just doesn't hold). But they had good or at least decent plots that shouldn't be totally tossed out just because Jean Grey had a stupid-looking mask or that nealy all the characters wore underwear on the outside or their costumes.

The Star Wars world has the advantage of being "long ago in a galaxy far away". They have created a rich, elaborate world where so many back stories, origins, sequels, and in-betweeners are possible. It's hard to do that, if not impossible with Superman, Xmen, Fantastic Four. DC has tried to immulate that with this whole "one year later" thing (for those who don't know, they made all the comics jump forward one year so everything is different. now they can have in-between stories or simply continue forward and refer back to the mysterious year that changed everything.)