Civil War (Marvel Comics)


Super Senior Staff
Jun 23, 2005
Well, I finally caught up on what all the hubbub is about and JESUS CHRIST!!!! THIS FRICKIN IS THE BEST DAMN THING SINCE THE FRICKIN ONSLAUGHT SAGA DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who don't know, ever since the end of the Onslaught Saga, the general public has been becoming more and more anti-super hero. And after the stupid New Warriors (Speedball, Namorita, other rejects) started a reality show, and their cockiness caused a small town to be exploded, killing hundreds, things came to a head and people started lobbying for the goverment to criminalize using super powers in public. Tony Stark (Iron Man) strikes a deal with the President to create a government-regulated super hero team, fearing the initial plan to have all super humans criminalized. Because of this, the super heroes are divided into two halves. The pro- and anti-registration. Pro being led by Iron Man (Iron Man, Spider Man, Fantastic 4), Anti being led by Captain America (Cap, Punisher, Daredevil). All sorts of awesomeness ensues.



1) Cable's a pussy in it, when Cable is, in fact, godly.
2) The right side was blurred for a while there. But then they just go BOOM! Iron Man frickin enlists Venom and a long list of other unsavory characters to join up.
My favorite moment is when Peter Parker comes out of the closet, so to speak. Cut to J Jonah Jameson. Awesome!
Yeah, but then he gets slapped around right after by Iron Man, and then by Jack O' Lantern and Jester.

Though, my favorite moment thus far is Spiderman-related too. When Spidey's getting slapped around and Punished just comes in and goes BOOM! HEADSHOT!

Edit: Oh, and in #3, after Stark talks to Emma, is the guy who appears to him Bishop? Or somebody else?
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By far, my favorite twist was one of the firsts: Captain America sides with the anti-registration movement. Since then he's shown one of his super-powers. Wolverine may have Adamantium bones, but Cap's got huge steel balls. Call him Clank, cause that's the sound he makes when he walks.
This Marvel comic book have aged so well. It should be the last Marvel comics which I read since 2007 and I haven't read any new one's recently. I find watching the comics animation more interesting and fun than reading it.
I've never read any of it. Marvel comics have never interested me because I'm fan of DC movies and comics too. I've read quite a good number of DC comics but never a thing on Marvels.