boring???? lets play

Beer. I have yet to acquire the finer taste for wines. Except for Australian Table Wines.

Of the sparkling wines, the most famous is "Perth Pink". This is a bottle with a message in it, and the message is BEWARE. This is not a wine for drinking -- this is a wine for laying down and avoiding.

Arthur Anderson or Wu Tang Financial
loose. cause there's a lot more excitement in opening something, i think. especially if it's a bolt on a car that you're really prying at, praying that it doesn't just snap and leave you high and dry and in desperate need of a REAL mechanic.

spam the lunch meat or spam the other stuff
nothing makes my day like a spamwich, and I don't think there is anyone who enjoys the other type of spam, unless they are first time web surfers, I can picture it now " :eek: You mean my penus can grow in 30 days with this all natural cream, I'd be stupid not to buy it!"

Elvis Presley, or Elvis Costello
that depends on how the guy looks bald.

I'm going with dandruffy though.

pina colada or strawberry daquiri?
The daquiri, but only if it comes with chocolate. "I loooooovvvvvve chocolate. But I can't eat it because it makes me fat."

Chris Paul or Raymond Felton, who is the better point guard. Apologies to those who don't know basketball. Also just for the record, I would choose Felton. This is a big step for me seeing as I am a Duke fan. And as much as I hate to admit it Sean May is the best player in the draft this year. Dammit, ok, I've said more good things about UNC in these few sentences than in my entire life, so I will just leave the decision to you all.

Paul or Felton?