Anything 'RASSLIN!!!


Executive Editor
Aug 2, 2005
On My Throne
I figured that since everybody has their own individual's section..............So here's Asylum's:weightlif.......That's right folks.........Considering i'm stuck in my own personal asylum right now, My Thread is anything and everything 'Rasslin..........From the good old days of Ron Bass and Jimmy Garvin, to the Current "used to be crap, now getting better" WWE storylines.........Here's my first contribution to the thread

Now, everybody knew they were coming back, the boys in Green and Black "DX".....However Edge is supposed to be getting the title shot at Vengeance.......which could lead me to believe that Cena might lose the title to RVD this weekend.........Regardless of all that drama, The Boys are gonna be back together.........DX!!!.........I've been waiting for this for a while.....And if i get my way, i should be there, 'cause Vengeance is in Charlotte, NC this year....And i live about 45 minutes away from the arena......Maybe HHH and HBK will be nice and let me get in the ring and drink some beers with them:weightlif....haha
Well, ECW One Night Stand is this Sunday.....and tomorrow is a 2 hour special with a 20 man battle royal....WWE vs. ECW..........pretty interesting.........Also, ECW is getting their own weekly series.....Heyman took RVD from Raw and Angle from Smackdown.......which was a big pop......Kane has had his ass handed to him on 2 separate occasions, by someone that looks familiar in the old Kane outfit......I can't put my finger on who it is yet...............A Good Thing for all the Cena Haters.........Cena got his ass handed to him by Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Sabu, Terry Funk, and RVD last night..........It was Great!!..............Countdown to DX reunion in Charlotte, N.C.: 19 days......Jonas, let me know if you can come down, i'll try to get another ticket!!..........<<Asylum going back to find his damn sledgehammer>>>:fight:
It's interesting to see ECW come long as McMahonism doesn't corrupt it too much. I also went to a TNA show a few days ago, took some great pics (might post some here if interested), and they're looking really really sharp. It'll be interesting to see what they can do with someone pretty washed up like Kevin Nash against my buddy Sabin who is at the top of his game. Can't wait for Slammiversary! As far as WWE is concerned....though the DX bit is supposed to be short lived, I'd love to see something surprising happen with it. Since there's only two members currently planned for DX, I think it'd be awesome if Cena joined, and dropped the "chain gain" gimmick altogether. First off, he's a super nice I feel bad for him that he just really can't find his "place", and I think joining DX (since he does kinda fit the bill if you think about it, with his antics etc.) would possibly finally make people like him. Since Melina and Nitro have absolutely nothing to do now, and Nitro has some great skills still left to'd be nice if him and Melina joined as well. Just my thoughts if I was booking it. That way you shock people, AND you have a full DX stable.
Nice thoughts on DX, I think the magic ingredient to make it work is a dash of Carlito! Now I can't believe you recapped RAW and had no mention on Charlie Haas damn near killing Lilian! Funniest thing, yet sad at the same time. I heard CM Punk is going to be a big deal in ECW, my thought is it's finally time to put a strap on one of the best yet most underrated wrestlers ever, Steven F*****G Richards! This guy is the ECW's Shawn Michaels! Hey if Corrino can win gold why can't Richards? Finally, TNA's Jay Lethal, the future of the X division.
I can agree with you on the Jay Lethal thing...........he shows heart, which is something you don't find in most WWE stars............heart isn't jumping off the top rope and seeing how many times you can spin the air before you hit the ground.........And the Charlie Haas thing, i forgot to add it.........but i played that damn thing back a hundred times.......and was like "WTF??? how in the hell do you get up that much momentum and not see the damn woman not out of the ring yet??".........I mean i did the pro wrestling school for a while, but i never, (wrestling fans will get this) EVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR did something like that assclown the way where the hell is Chris Jericho??
Hmmm.....Carlito in DX could work as well..ok. We can put him in our dream DX stable, since there were six original members anyway right?

Shawn, HHH, Carlito, Cena, Melina, and Nitro...good mix of traditional and new there I think huh?

I also would have included Edge in there if they were going to be a heel stable, but I don't think that's happening.

Oh, btw, the "other" Kane is some dude from OVW...the name escapes me right now. :p

AND, for those who are interested, I did an interview with Sabin awhile back for MG, link's here
What's going on with Benoit? He's my fav. I've been wanting a new Horseman stable for a while. I don't understand why WWE moved away from that concept. It just makes sense. You can incorporate wrestlers who otherwise wouldn't fit within the brief TV time allotted. The great stables of yester-year were forces to be reckoned with (L.O.D., Horsemen, NWO, Wolfpack, the Hart foundation, etc.) Let Jericho and Benoit gather up a couple of others and begin a new era for the Horsemen!
I think Benoit's suffering pretty bad right now. He's a tough SOB, so you KNOW he's hurting if he has to be out of action for awhile. Plus, I still believe the loss of Eddie weighs on him heavily, and he probably needed some weeks off to come to terms with both the injuries and the emotion.
Yeah, Eddie passing was really tough for Chris......But i think they're giving some time off to him for him to nurse some of his nagging injuries.....i had heard a while back that his neck was still bothering him.......And as for a new DX, I would prefer to see HHH and HBK(obviously).....I like Nitro as a pick, he does have potential......I also would like to see Charlie Haas in there....I know he has hardly no mic skills, but anybody as charged up as him lately would be good for the team.......As for the Horsemen, if they ever went that angle, I would have to go with Beniot, HHH, Masters, and Angle..........those 4 would be unstoppable......I don't see how Jericho could fit in the Horsemen...........Also, Jonas, i don't think the Horseman card is one that Vince could pull off....that would require giving more individual script power to the 4 guys.....and WWE has that "oh-so-wonderful" writing staff

I think it is really ironic that Vince is pulling out all the stops now that T'N'A is picking up speed in the rankings.............I mean when fans wanted to see ECW and DX back in the spotlight, we never got it...........Now that the competition has some big hitters and some really good PPV's, Vince looks like a deer in the headlights now............I mean honestly, i fast-forward through most matches on Raw and Smackdown on my DVR........They have lost their flair IMO........Now, TNA, that's a different story.....its a rare that their shows get the fast-forward button

'Nuff Said.........Survey Says!!!!!!
HHH should never be a Horseman. DX is fine, but not the Horsemen. I don't know much about Masters, but Angle could be a decent pick (I'm thinking about fitting the old profile). The Legend Killer might be a good one (wherever he is).
Ahhh, Styles on the top of the cage. That was a great PPV! You're right though...when the competition gains a little speed, we all benefit, 'cause then Vince has to give us what we want. TNA is truly in tune with it's only takes one trip to an event to see this. Vince inherited a huge wrestling tradition, but TNA is attempting to make it's own. Being that TNA is sort of a combo WCW/ECW mix, it'll be interesting to see how it battles with the new ECW. Oh, and let's bring back Lollipop and the cage dancer girls of TNA when they first started! I always loved that.
Wow, I've talked to alot of people about the horsemen and so far my dream team would easily consist of:

Benoit- Been there ready for the leadership role, easily takes Double A's spot

Shelton Benjamin- Pure talent and charisma, needs mic skills though.

Carlito- Who can actually top Flair in the charisma and mic departments? He will eventually

Steven Richards- Like Pillman before him, the wildcard, so much talent, yet so much to prove.

Also WWE Vs ECW was kinda dissapointing, Big Show going to ECW was the best suprise, Foleys killer promo stole the whole freaking show, leave it to Foley to steal the show, with a freaking promo.
Benoit is a sure thing, and I could by into Steven Richards and Shelton Benjamin. But Carlito? The Horsemen have always been "Stylin' and profilin" not more comfortable on a Jimmy Buffet concert. You need someone with the mic skills, but someone that would show up in a limo with a $500 suit. The Rock would be a pick if he came back, but then again, he was always better as a longer.

Name some others with mad mic skills.
Hey Jonas, so i finally got to see the Smackdown coverage......and it looks like your boy fell to mighty Mark Henry

He'll be taking some time off..........And i have to sorta disagree with you on the WWE vs. ECW show last night........Again i state, i usually fast-forward through WWE's matches....but not last night...the RVD vs. Rey Mysterio match was great...........and Sabu redeemed himself and made the match against Cena........even though he lost, he made up for his sorry ass performance on Raw a couple of nights before..........I personally can't wait for the ECW PPV on Sunday......Did anybody see Edge miss the spot falling on the table off the top rope??....he didn't land on his neck, but damn it looked painful.....
AS for groups starting up, i have a feeling TNA will be putting together some kind of NWO soon....they have some of the core components in Nash, Steiner, Jarret, and Bagwell.......AMW would make great additions to the new faction if it ever comes about.........I feel the "Monday Night War" battle heating up again........Even though TNA is on Thursdays.........Either Way, i'm expecting TNA to get and additional night for a show to compete with ECW Tuesday Nights.......The good thing about all this, is finally fans get to see what they have been waiting for for years
OK, ECW One Night Stand.....anybody got their predictions??........I guess without knowing all that is going to happen, i'll go with my one solid prediction.........Rey Mysterio should lose the title to Sabu tonight, IMO, 'cause Sabu redeemed himself at Smackdown.........I think the Hardcore Title match will be good, only 'cause of Edge and Tommy Dreamer.......Funk and Foley might be passed out by then...haha..........Like i said, put your predictions, if you dare!!
Well, I didn't get in in time for predictions, but I thought the PPV was very well done minus one or two issues. Here's hoping that just because Heyman made the count against Cena, they don't pull the belt off RVD. Let him have it, re-make the ECW championship with it, and then hold a RAW tournament for a new WWE champ.

I think it's great ECW is back, and I hope they directly compete with TNA to make both products better.
You said it Huddy, although i had plenty of people over here last night that were not impressed with the PPV.....I think that's cause ECW was an idea that spurred and got a devote fan base....What those fans have to realize is that the companies.......errr i mean Vince........ don't want their guys doin' the stuff they used to......too dangerous.........but with that being said.........<Caution Spoiler Coming>...........That was a helluva way for the match to end in the Mysterio-Sabu match.......I mean i rewinded it like 6 times.........Truly INSANE!!.......And i agree, they should let RVD keep the belt......and i think they probably will, but they won't continue harping on it IMO......'cause Vince's next big thing would be Vengeance............INTERUPTION FOR THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST ANNOUNCEMENT: ASYLUM'S GOING TO VENGEANCE!!!ASYLUM'S GOING TO VENGEANCE!!..............Sorry.....Anyhoo, since the press leaked that DX was returning before the press was supposed to, i think from now til 2 weeks from now, we'll see a big emphasis on the DX factor........As well as what they are going to do about Cena........It was pretty good to hear the fans chanting "Same Old Shit" to Cena when he was in the ring last night
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I have to admit I wasn't to impressed with the show, the biggest suprise was seeing Tajiri and Tanaka back *Damn that was some chair shot* and I have to say I was impressed with Cena, sure RVD won the title, but all the people have to agree that Cena gave one hell of a showing. Now lets hope they keep Masato Tanaka in the new ECW
With Tanaka going down on ONE (albeit..a major one) chairshot, I doubt he's going to stick around, as he normally takes 5-6 of those during a match. I feel like with him jobbing out so quickly, that probably means he's not staying..pity if not! Tajiri was the same, he jobbed fairly easily, so I wouldn't expect to see him any more either.

But yes, Cena did do a great job, and played with the crowd perfectly. The set where they kept throwing him back his shirt was priceless! Even Orton did a damn fine job.

The biggest thing I can't wait to see though? Big Show unleashed. I know he's older now, but I know for a fact that he used to be able to pull off a moonsault..and you could literally hear the air move when he'd do it. Judging from the wicked cobra-clutch backbreaker he showed off last night, I'm hoping he'll show that he actually does have some skill. I saw him moonsault once, and I'll never forget it. Lol.