360 Vs Ps3


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This is the battle of the age ..


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Some of those specs look a little dated, especially since the sheet claims a "Spring 2006" release for the PS3. Regardless of the spec sheet however, the Xbox360 came out of the E3 with a full head of steam whereas Sony seemed to stumble over themselves. I have never been more convinced that I want a Xbox360. Bravo for Microsoft.
I've gotten both Sony's home consoles the first week they came out, but the PS3 is just less than appealing now. The price of it is just so unattractive.
PS3 claims to be the most powerful system, yet it froze playing a game of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Just had to throw that in there, I am biased to 360.
Did you hear of the news about the PS3 having some of the PS2 hardware in it??......That point alone can be tooken as Sony isn't as far along as they say they are, and that now they're putting what they can in the system just to meet the deadline......Which, IMO, is sad and Sony should have thought about backing up all the stuff they said at E3 about the PS3......I'm not saying that the PS3 isn't worth getting, i just wonder why would a company that has dominated the console wars for so long decide that they would put outdated hardware components into a next gen console.......One point that i appreciate from Sony is they will try to make all PS2 games compatible, while Microsoft has already said that eventually they will cease Xbox compatibility for the 360!!!.......Which sucks, 'cause some of the games still coming out for Xbox this year, i would have loved to play on my 360!!