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    What are you playing these days?

    I love sporting games that is why I am sticking it out with my NBA 2k15. There's a lot of new features in it and I am really impressed on how real the game looks like not to mention on how the players look so life-like already. I am already looking forward for 2K16 LOL

    Have Games taught you anything?

    It definitely taught me to be really patient and not rush things. I mean, if you do that to a game then you will end up losing and have a hard time. I have to be honest that I am not the most patient man in the world but given the fact that I play a lot, it helped me be a bit more patient in...

    One Game You're Most Addicted To?

    The very first Diablo was the one that I was addicted to. I remember back in high school that I wake up around 5 am during school days which never happened before I got hooked to the game. I will play on it until I realized that I was already late for school LOL Same goes during lunch time, I...

    Games You Are Bad At

    I do like playing first person shooter games but I am not good at all of it especially Call of Duty. Somehow people that play that game are too fast their own good that I cannot even get a chance to be able to do something before I just end up laying on the ground dead LOL

    Are graphics important?

    Yeah for sure! The only thing that appeals to me when I play the game aside from the gameplay would be how it looks like. I know that this won't be true back in the day but in the gaming world nowadays, it has to be really appealing to the eyes to make it more interesting to play with.

    First person trucking in GTA V is amazing

    Good job! I do think that they should have done that way back! That looks really fun to drive around now especially with that kind of view!

    Scary Games

    I like having a little bit of mind twist in the games I play and not only the gory type. With that being said, I do miss playing PHANTASMAGORIA. I am not sure if there was ever a game that was really scary at the same time mind boggling LOL I wish they expanded this game back in the day

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    Never tried this yet. It is a shame that I call myself a Counterstrike enthusiast yet I haven't got to play this game yet :( Anyways, will try to find time to do so and I am sure that I would be yelling "fire in the hole" LOL

    PC Gaming Dead? Lol

    I would still pick PC gaming over any other consoles any day! I for one is just not comfortable in pressing a lot of buttons in a console when I play specifically Xbox. Using the keyboard is not really easy too but a little practice in gaming with it will do the trick LOL

    PC Games That Make You Feel Nostalgic

    That would be Counterstrike and I mean the very first one. It is like around more 10+ years already and every time that I get the chance to play it, I always go back in time wherein I just cut classes just to play it and make sure that I would beat the crap of whoever I am playing with even my...