Recent content by Maou

  1. Maou

    Virtu Sphere

    There's no price on it in the first website that shows up on Google, you have to e-mail them to get more info. I would like to know just out of curiosity. Do you have any idea of it? I've heard of the Oculus Rift when it went public, if I remember currently there was a lot of big company names...
  2. Maou

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

    Ah, the first Metroidvania... The best decision they ever made, in my opinion. I'll have to agree that it was a bit confusing at times and at a younger age but it's such a great game and with an awesome soundtrack that I still hear to this day! Definitely revisit it! And go listen to Travel...
  3. Maou

    Binding of Isaac

    Bought it as soon as it came out! The original was incredibly good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Rebirth is exactly what you would expect of the title, it's the same game but better! New monsters, bosses, items, challenges, areas... More craziness! If you truly liked the original that much, buy...
  4. Maou

    If all electronic games were unusuable tomorrow, what games will you play?

    I should probably try out RISK you made it sound pretty competitive, which I enjoy. On the actual topic, I would devote much more time to Monopoly and Poker, considering how much time a game of each usually takes, that would be a lot of hours well spent. Both are competitive games, there's...
  5. Maou

    Virtu Sphere

    Honestly had to search for it like teabwoi, I've never knew it had that name. It's a very interesting concept to further augment virtual reality games. Transferring movement of the lower body, in a practical manner, to virtual reality has been pretty troublesome. Pretty amazing what's been...
  6. Maou

    Games You Are Bad At

    What a coincidence, I'm not only bad at FIFA I down right refuse to play it at all! Anything football related is automatically ignored by me, I absolutely despise the sport and everything related to it. With no interest at all in the subject, it's down right impossible for me to do well in a...